Teller Report

Driving license: the European Parliament decides against the obligation of a medical examination every 15 years

2/28/2024, 2:55:04 PM

Highlights: MEPs voted against the obligation for motorists to pass a medical examination every 15 years intended to maintain their driving license. MEPs nevertheless "accepted that drivers assess their own ability to drive when issuing and renewing a driving license" It will then be up to each country to decide, in a sovereign manner, “whether the self-assessment should be replaced by a medicalexamination with a minimum set of checks on the eyesight and cardiovascular conditions of drivers, among others”

MEPs voted against, this Wednesday, the obligation for motorists to pass a medical examination every 15 years intended to maintain their driving license. MEPs nevertheless "accepted that drivers assess their own ability to drive when issuing and renewing a driving license.

Europe 1 / Photo credit: ROMAIN DOUCELIN / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 3:37 p.m., February 28, 2024

MEPs voted against, this Wednesday, the obligation for motorists to pass a medical examination every 15 years intended to retain their driving license.

MEPs nevertheless "accepted that drivers assess their own ability to drive when issuing and renewing a driving license".

It was an expected decision.

MEPs voted against the obligation for motorists to make the validity of their driving license conditional on a medical examination every 15 years, "in order to avoid discrimination and guarantee their right to free movement and participation in economic and social life. 

The decision will be up to each country

MEPs nevertheless "accepted that drivers assess their own ability to drive when issuing and renewing a driving license", specifies the European Parliament in a press release.

It will then be up to each country to decide, in a sovereign manner, “whether the self-assessment should be replaced by a medical examination with a minimum set of checks on the eyesight and cardiovascular conditions of drivers, among others”. 



- Generalization of the dematerialized driving license from this Wednesday

The Parliament still urges Member States to make “more efforts to raise public awareness of the mental and physical signals that can put a person in danger when driving”.

The text, carried by the environmentalist MEP Karima Delli, therefore did not obtain the favor of her colleagues.

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