Teller Report

Chinese and Vietnamese football players compare skills to enhance friendship

2/28/2024, 2:53:31 AM

Highlights: Chinese and Vietnamese football players compare skills to enhance friendship. 2024 China-Vietnam (Pingxiang-Lang Son) "Friendship Cup" Football Invitational Tournament was held in Pingxiang City, Guangxi. In the future, the event will expand activities and further deepen cultural and sports exchanges between China and Vietnam. "I hope that such events can be held frequently. Vietnam and China are connected by mountains and rivers and have similar cultures," said Gao Loc, Lang Son Province, Vietnam County football team captain.

  China News Service, Pingxiang, Guangxi, February 28 (Yu Jing) "I hope that such events can be held frequently. Vietnam and China are connected by mountains and rivers and have similar cultures. I hope to bring friends to Pingxiang for travel." Gao Loc, Lang Son Province, Vietnam County football team captain Huang Yingde said in an interview with reporters on the 27th.

The picture shows the team's entrance ceremony.

Photo by Yu Jing

  On the same day, the 2024 China-Vietnam (Pingxiang-Lang Son) "Friendship Cup" Football Invitational Tournament was held in Pingxiang City, Guangxi. Athletes exchanged ideas and enhanced friendship in the cross-border football friendly match.

Chinese and Vietnamese spectators cheered for the players in the rain.

  In the first game, the Pingxiang City Construction Bank and ICBC United team defeated the Vietnamese Gao Lu County team 1:0.

In the second game, the Pingxiang City Football Team tied with the Vietnamese Lang Son City Team 1:1.

An award ceremony was held that evening.

  Li Ming, director of the Pingxiang City Culture, Tourism, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Bureau, said that the China-Vietnam (Pingxiang-Lang Son) "Friendship Cup" Football Invitational Tournament has become a brand for exchanges between the two places. In the future, the event will expand activities and further deepen cultural and sports exchanges between China and Vietnam.

The picture shows players from both sides during the game.

Photo by Yu Jing

  Currently, Pingxiang City is actively building a convenient place for domestic and international dual-circulation market operations and a national logistics hub, continuing to deepen cooperation and exchanges with Vietnam, vigorously developing border tourism and cross-border tourism, and further deepening cultural tourism cooperation and exchanges between China and Vietnam.

  Luo Guoyao, deputy secretary of the Pingxiang Municipal Party Committee, said: "Football has unique charm and has a broad mass base among the Chinese and Vietnamese people. We will use cultural and sports exchange activities such as the football invitational tournament as a carrier to continue to deepen cooperation between the two parties in various fields and continue to Consolidate traditional friendship and continuously create a situation of good-neighborliness, friendship and win-win cooperation in the China-Vietnam border areas."

  This football invitational tournament is co-sponsored by the Pingxiang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Pingxiang Municipal People's Government and the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son Province in Vietnam.
