Teller Report

Adriana Torrebejano: "I have never felt harassed by a lesbian director; however, by directors, quite a few times"

2/28/2024, 12:13:18 AM

Highlights: Adriana Torrebejano: "I have never felt harassed by a lesbian director; however, by directors, quite a few times". "There are a lot of nervous and afraid abusers right now, that's very good" Cayetana Guillén Cuervo: "Hoaxes affect me a lot, I have put up with too many lies about myself throughout my life" "Politically Incorrect' is the first film that deals with the climate of tension in Spain and I love it"

At first, Adriana Torrebejano (Barcelona, ​​1991) does not trust it. She is promoting 'Politically Incorrect', her first lead role in film after a solid career,...

Iñako Díaz-Guerra

Updated Wednesday, February 28, 2024-01:06

  • Newspaper archive.

    All Chimpún interviews by Iñako Díaz-Guerra

  • Hugo Silva.

    "There are a lot of nervous and afraid abusers right now, that's very good"

  • Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.

    "Hoaxes affect me a lot, I have put up with too many lies about myself throughout my life"

At first,

Adriana Torrebejano

(Barcelona, ​​1991) does not trust it.

She is promoting

'Politically Incorrect'

, her first leading role in film after a solid career, step by step, that has led her to that crossroads where it is determined whether a star has been born.

Pint it has.

But as the minutes and the topics go by, the caution melts: "Like the movie, I am politically incorrect. For many years, women have had to hear that 'you're more beautiful when you're quiet,' and my colleagues have been doing a job for many years." very hard for me to allow myself to give my opinion without mincing my words. So I plan to take advantage of it."

And she does it.

You're making your debut as a headliner in cinema. Yes, I'm happy, no, the next thing.

It is a very big opportunity.

For me, doing comedy is very difficult and carrying the weight of a movie, sustaining the rhythm of a comedy for the first time seems like a somersault.

I'm full and nervous, all at the same time. The chronic insecurity of the actors. Man, of course, there's the unemployment rate we have.

Insecurity is normal in this profession because you never know what is going to happen to you tomorrow, you cannot make plans for more than a month because your life is super unstable. With 'Amar es para siempre' and 'El secreto de Puente Viejo', you have I have gone through the school of daily series, which provide a lot of silence and a certain stability, but are often undervalued in the face of this fashion of prestige series. I have done many television series and only those two were daily, but it is a different rhythm and another much more immediate way of working.

I don't consider myself from that school, but it's work anyway and I respect it infinitely.

I don't understand why they are looked down upon, it's a hard job and you jump into the pool every day.

I respect them and prepare them just like other more prestigious projects.

I don't care about the format, what I like is to work and learn every day. Now that you don't stop working, do you look to the future more calmly? No [laughs].

When you start a new year it is a blank piece of paper and you don't know what the immediate future will bring.

Right now, between this movie, the filming of 'Muertos SL' on Movistar and the premiere of the new season of 'Alpha Males' I have no time to live, but I am very happy because it is a very good time.

However, I don't relax at all.

But nothing.

Not even the oldest, who has been working for 40 years, can overcome this fear.

I've been there for 20 years now, which is said to be early because I'm 32, it's grown on me and I've worked a lot, but I still think that everything can go to shit at any moment.

I am lucky because right now I don't lack work, but I know that at some point this will go down because it is impossible to sustain.

We are a lot of actresses and the good times always come to an end. 'Politically Incorrect' is the first film that deals with the climate of permanent tension that Spain is experiencing. I love that it is the first time that a film about current politics has been made in Spain and I love it Let it be a comedy and not a thriller.

What Arantxa [Echevarría, the director] has done is a super subtle job of laughing at the political stuff and the situation in the country without disrespecting anyone. Is it a center-centered comedy? It's a film that what it does is bring people together regardless of their ideologies.

I think it is good to propose that the person is above ideas and perhaps it is possible that two opposite people, with a brutal ideological distance and a very different education, can get closer and like each other.

I think it's a very interesting debate, really. Do you think that? Well, that's the magic of cinema,

that anything can happen [laughs].

I don't know, worse things have been seen, but I honestly don't know if I could fall in love with someone with a completely different ideology than mine.

I see it far away, but maybe a person completely opposite to me arrives and breaks my schemes.

Love is so crazy that you never know who you might fall in love with. I think you're saying it to look good. It's possible [laughs].

The actress, at the Urso hotel in Madrid.JAVIER BARBANCHO

You have commented that you are especially happy to work with a female director. Yes, it is suddenly a pleasure to see so many films directed by women.

That for me, as an actress, is a pleasure.

She was already playing, right?

Because all my life I have gone to the cinema to see movies and movies and movies directed by men, which is also very good, because we have brutal directors, but it was time that equally brutal female directors were given their space to be able to capture their forms. to see the world, its ideas and its concerns.

And personally I love being able to collaborate with them. You said in this newspaper that you were tired of receiving "dumb blonde" roles.

Has it stopped happening to you? More than being a dumb blonde, what I wanted to express is that of a pretty girl, what happened is that she was blonde at the time even though I'm a brunette [laughs].

There comes a time when if you are an actress and you have a certain body you get tired of always doing the same thing and having it determined by how people see you physically.

They offer you only pretty girls and the world goes beyond, the characters cannot stay in that.

You can't imagine the number of castings I've done in which the definition of the character was "beautiful girl, 30 years old."

Lately I've felt it less, I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but I'm getting more interesting and more disparate characters from real, complex women.

It seems that they are beginning to understand that, even if they are beautiful, a cook is not the same as a teacher or a lawyer, that women are very different.

It's cool to see that in a character and it's been difficult for me to feel less objectified.

The fact that there are women directing and writing has been fundamental.

We no longer belong to anyone, we now have our own entity and our stories to tell. This change in the industry has been called into question once again with the accusations of harassment and abuse of a director, Carlos Vermut. It is hard to think that the problems have finish is naivety and a lie.

It's extremely sad, but these things continue to happen and not only in our industry.

There are abuses in all professions.

It makes me angry that abuses arise in this profession, because it is true that it stains everything beautiful that cinema does, but what we have to do is stop them and not cover them up.

This man will be a director, but we women know very well that he could be a doctor, a teacher or a journalist.

The world of cinema is used because it is very visible and a well-known face sells a lot.

It seems good to me, but I wish the media would talk the same way about all the abuses that occur daily in other professions.

I don't want those from the cinema to stop coming out, I want them all to come out because this has to be stopped once and for all. Have you suffered that type of abuse, that of being offered professional help or a role to try to achieve something more? I have never They have harassed in a brutal way, but in this world, as in all professions,

Men are still in charge and it is impossible that you have not suffered abuse of power because it is the order of the day.

It is impossible for you to go to a casting and not feel threatened before or after, it is impossible for you to go to a meeting with producers or directors and not have something strange suggested to you at some point.

Attention is focusing on filming and I think there are many previous steps to look at with a magnifying glass.

There are many moments in the process of making a film or a series in which we are very unprotected, for example the


is a very violent situation.

This can be changed by being feminists, there is no other way out.

That or that there are many more women and it becomes egalitarian, that we have the same ease that men have to be in the position of power.

What am I going to answer to that question?

Of course I have experienced situations like this because the majority of directors in my career have been men.

Look what a coincidence that I have worked with several directors who are lesbians and I have not felt that objectification or harassment. Have they never violated you? Not at all and it seems to me a basic thing that sums this up very well.

It's not a sexual attraction thing, it's a power thing.

A lot of power has been given to men in this society and they feel they have that authority and freedom to use it with women.

That's the problem, because you give the same power to a lesbian woman and this doesn't happen.

I have never felt harassed by them, and yet by male directors, quite a few times.

It is the education that has been given to society and the power that has been given to man for so many years and it is very difficult to destroy that.

It's a very tall tower to tear down.

I often wonder what I can do in these situations. I am not an established actress at the level of Penélope Cruz or Maribel Verdú, and the only way I can help is to say no to projects by those directors with whom I know I am not. I go to work comfortably.

It's the only thing because in Spain there is no


or that strength of women in the industry to speak of. But that can't always be done by an actress who doesn't do very well. Of course, that's why I say I'm lucky .

I have colleagues who have to say yes to jobs that they don't really want to do because they have to pay the rent.

We actresses have to be able to mobilize and have more strength because we should be able to access all jobs without being afraid, just like when going out on the street in a miniskirt or when returning home at night.

It is cultural: we must not educate women to act in fear, we must educate men not to rape.


There is no more debate. There have already been some meetings of actresses studying a general complaint.

Do you think it will come? We'll see.

There is a fear of being able to eat and pay for your house at the end of the month.

I was not at that meeting, but I understand that there is movement.

That's good, because it means that things are starting to move and that there are more women who dare to speak out.

That's wonderful, but it's impossible for that to happen if there are no productions that are truly feminist and offer a safe work environment for actresses to be able to work even if they report.

It is a fundamental job and there is still a long way to go before women in cinema can come out and speak safely.