Teller Report

A teacher in Xiangtan beats and scolds a student who can't solve the problem? Official: Teacher involved suspended for inspection

2/28/2024, 8:05:40 PM

Highlights: A teacher in Xiangtan beats and scolds a student who can't solve the problem? Official: Teacher involved suspended for inspection. It was said online that students in this school had jumped off the building due to beatings and insults by teachers. However, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Xiangxiang Municipal Party Committee said that it was not true that students jumped from the building. The teacher involved is a math teacher, and the teacher is a Chinese teacher and class teacher.

  On February 28, a video of a teacher in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province beating and humiliating a student because he could not solve the problem was circulated.

That night, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Xiangxiang Municipal Party Committee in Xiangtan City responded to The Paper. They had verified the matter and the teacher involved had been suspended for inspection and would be investigated.

  The person in charge also said that the school involved was a six-year primary school in a rural area. It was said online that students in this school had jumped off the building due to beatings and insults by teachers. It was untrue.

  According to a report from the Xiangxiang Municipal Education Bureau on the evening of February 28, on the afternoon of February 28, 2024, a video message of "a teacher in a school in Xiangxiang City treated students roughly while tutoring homework" was posted online. The bureau attached great importance to this. Immediately cooperate with relevant departments to set up an investigation team to investigate and deal with the matter.

After preliminary verification, the problem reflected in the video does exist.

At present, the bureau has suspended the teachers involved and ordered them to undergo investigation. At the same time, it has arranged for professionals to provide psychological counseling to the students.

Subsequently, the teachers involved will be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant regulations, and at the same time, we will draw inferences from one example to strengthen the construction of teacher ethics, standardize teachers' behavior, and resolutely prevent such behavior from happening again.

  The Paper noted that there are mainly three videos spread online, each lasting about three minutes.

The scene in the video is a teacher's office. Several teachers are sitting around a stove, and students hand in their homework to the teacher.

A female teacher in a brown down jacket scolded a girl who looked like a primary school student.

"What's the smallest number? Talk? Who should I turn into 4? Talk!" The teacher seemed very excited. As he spoke, he slapped the girl's face. The girl tilted her body. After she stabilized herself, the teacher added, "I'll beat you to death. Are you blind? How can you change 8 into something? Studying. Are you worthy of studying?"

  The girl started sobbing.

The female teacher in white clothes next to her said, "So-and-so, don't cry, stop it. If you keep talking, I will sue you."

Screenshot of the video of the teacher involved beating and insulting the students

  Announcements of eye exercises rang out in the video.

Later, another boy came over to hand in his homework. The teacher in a brown down jacket first hit the girl with the boy's homework. After looking at the homework, he pinched the boy's face and said, "What is the smallest number? Tell me, how much is it?" ” Then threw the boy’s homework to the ground.

The boy stepped back, and the female teacher in a brown down jacket pulled the girl's hair and bumped her back and forth, and finally threw her notebook to the ground.

The girl ran to pick up the notebook and then started crying.

The female teacher in white clothes said to the girl, "Stop crying. Be quiet for a while. I'm going to file a complaint."

Screenshot of the video of the teacher involved beating and insulting the students

  Afterwards, the boy came over to hand in his homework. After the teacher in the brown down jacket finished correcting it, he threw the boy's homework on the ground.

The girl continued to revise on the side, sobbing as she wrote.

  Another video shows the teacher in a brown down jacket yelling at the girl.

The contents of his correction homework include "What is three-tenths as a decimal? You idiot." "Ah, talk, tenths... I am asking you about the digit, tell me!"

  A parent group chat record shows that the school involved is Jinquan School, Lishan Town, Xiangxiang City. The girl involved is a sixth-grade child. The teacher in the brown down jacket is a math teacher, and the teacher in white is a Chinese teacher and class teacher.

The chat also said that the teacher involved usually likes to hit people, and a boy was once forced to jump off a building in the school.

However, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Xiangxiang Municipal Party Committee said that it was not true that students jumped from the building.

  Tan Jun

Tan Jun