Teller Report

A resident of Avdeevka said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were hiding behind the civilian population

2/28/2024, 5:24:08 AM

Highlights: A resident of Avdiivka said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were hiding behind the civilian population. According to the man, the soldiers were scared that the Russians would come and throw grenades. Earlier, the Ministry of Defense stated that Russian troops liberated the village of Lastochkino in the Avdeevsky direction. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu noted that the Russian military continues offensive operations after the capture of Avdievsky. The Russian military is currently conducting operations in eastern Ukraine.

A resident of the recently liberated Avdiivka told RT that Ukrainian army soldiers were constantly hiding behind the civilian population.

“They are told: “Please leave here,” but they are always nearby.

“Yes, we’ll be here for two or three days and then we’ll go.”

And when eight missiles arrive, they run away,” he said.

According to the man, the Ukrainian city authorities called the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers “waiters” and scared that the Russians would come and throw grenades.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense stated that Russian troops liberated the village of Lastochkino in the Avdeevsky direction.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu noted that the Russian military continues offensive operations after the capture of Avdievka.