Teller Report

(Voice of the Two Sessions) National People’s Congress Representative Lin Qixin: Protect the “Chinese Core” of pigs

2/28/2024, 5:43:10 AM

Highlights: Lin Qixin, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Chongqing Qijin Food Group Co., Ltd., said in an interview with a reporter from China News Service on the 28th that local pigs of Chinese origin presents both challenges and opportunities. He believes that the current development status of Chinese local pigs presents both opportunities and challenges. In his eyes, local Chinese pigs are high-quality pork and a treasure left by our ancestors. It is his duty as a representative to protect the "Chinese core" of pigs.

  China News Service, Chongqing, February 28th: ​​National People's Congress Representative Lin Qixin: Keep the "Chinese Core" of pigs

  Author Liang Qinqing

  "To keep people's 'meat plates' stable, we have to keep the 'Chinese core' of pigs." Lin Qixin, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Chongqing Qijin Food Group Co., Ltd., said in an interview with a reporter from China News Service on the 28th that local pigs of Chinese origin The development of China presents both challenges and opportunities. Only by accurately understanding the development status can we continue to promote the protection and utilization of local pig germplasm resources.

Lin Qixin, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Chongqing Qijin Food Group Co., Ltd.

Photo provided by interviewee

  As a grassroots People's Congress representative, Lin Qixin has been thinking about how to combine the development of local characteristic industries with increasing villagers' income.

He told reporters that as an entrepreneur who came from the countryside, he must persist in using his own strength to help revitalize the countryside and let the villagers live a "sweet life."

  Now, more and more people are paying attention to the protection and utilization of local pigs.

Nowadays, everyone is adding fuel to the fire, and everyone is paying attention and investing together to revitalize the Chinese local pigs.

  Since 2023, Lin Qixin has led a team to visit nearly ten Chinese local pig breeds, including Zhejiang Jinhua Liangtou Black Pig, Shandong Licha Black Pig, Qinghai Huzhu Bamei Pig, etc.

He went deep into the field to understand the difficulties faced by local pigs in industrial development, tasted the taste differences of pigs in various localities, compared the nutritional indicators of pigs in different localities, and discussed the feasibility of breeding models and cooperation with farmers.

  He believes that the current development status of Chinese local pigs presents both challenges and opportunities. Only by accurately understanding the situation can we find an effective path to revitalization and continue to promote the protection and utilization of local pig germplasm resources such as Rongchang pigs.

  In 2023, Lin Qixin participated in the National People's Congress for the first time as a representative of the National People's Congress. He proposed the establishment of a national local pig germplasm resource protection system and called for encouraging local pigs to implement the development of the entire industry chain.

As the recommendations were processed, Rongchang pigs received strong policy support, the breeding pig protection was successful, the scale expanded, and the industrial chain became more complete.

  The National Two Sessions in 2024 are about to be held. Lin Qixin will continue to provide advice and suggestions on the protection, development and utilization of local Chinese pigs based on his many years of industry experience and learning and exploration.

In his eyes, local Chinese pigs are high-quality pork and a treasure left by our ancestors.

It is his duty as a representative of the National People's Congress to protect the "Chinese core" of pigs.
