Teller Report

“We have to accept it”: Hugo Clément reacts to the disappointing audiences for his new show on France 2

2/28/2024, 9:13:55 AM

Highlights: “We have to accept it”: Hugo Clément reacts to the disappointing audiences for his new show on France 2. Launched on February 7, “Our great decisions” is indeed struggling to find its audience. Production has launched a study to find out what's wrong: is it the schedule? The concept? Or the presenter himself? A fourth issue of our big decisions is planned for this Wednesday evening. A second round of four broadcasts was planned in April but everything will depend on the results of this study.

Guest of Philippe Vandel on Franceinfo on Tuesday February 27, Hugo Clément returned to the very disappointing audiences for his new show on France 2. Launched on February 7, "Our big decisions" indeed struggles to find its audience.

Julien Pichené, with Solène Delinger 10:04 a.m., February 28, 2024

Guest of Philippe Vandel on Franceinfo on Tuesday February 27, Hugo Clément returned to the very disappointing audiences for his new show on France 2. Launched on February 7, “Our great decisions” is indeed struggling to find its audience. 

The society magazine

Our great decisions

, presented by Hugo Clément on Wednesday in the second part of the evening on France 2, does not find its audience.

Last week the show peaked at 375,000 viewers, or 4% of the public and less than 1% of the main target, that of housewives under 50 years old.

“We can’t immediately have audience ratings”

Invited to Philippe Vandel's microphone on Franceinfo on Tuesday February 27, Hugo Clément said that we "have to accept" these audiences, that "it's the game".

“When you launch a weekly show on a slot that doesn’t exist, you can’t immediately get big audience ratings, especially on societal subjects like that, when there’s entertainment in front,” analyzes he.


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A study launched by production

Production has launched a study to find out what's wrong: is it the schedule?

The concept ?

Or the presenter himself?

"We don't commission a study to find out if we can sell this or that many shows, that's not how it happens. We commission studies to find out what people think of the show, because It’s interesting to get people’s feedback. And it turns out that people find the show super interesting,” assures Hugo Clément.

A fourth issue of our big decisions is planned for this Wednesday evening.

For the future, a second round of four broadcasts was planned in April but everything will depend on the results of this study...