Teller Report

“I found it normal”: Karin Viard’s chilling testimony on sexual violence in cinema

2/28/2024, 5:13:24 PM

Highlights: “I found it normal”: Karin Viard’s chilling testimony on sexual violence in cinema. “I lived and grew up in that, basically being groped a little... I didn't think of saying: 'But that's not okay at all! We need to denounce this kind of behavior'” “These are inappropriate behaviors that you accept, you don’t even know why. You don”t actually ask yourself the question”

Invited on the set of the show “C à vous” Monday February 26, Karin Viard spoke about the abusive behavior that she has observed or of which she has been the victim since the start of her career in cinema . The actress admits to having long considered these actions to be "normal".

Solène Delinger 6:00 p.m., February 28, 2024

Invited on the set of the show “C à vous” Monday February 26, Karin Viard spoke about the abusive behavior that she has observed or of which she has been a victim since the start of her career in cinema.

The actress admits to having long considered these actions to be “normal”. 

Karin Viard no longer wants to close her eyes.

Invited on the set of

 C à vous

Monday February 26 on the occasion of the release of her new film Madame de Sévigné, the actress reacted to the recent declarations of Judith Godrèche, which are damaging French cinema (editor's note: the actress wore complaint for “rape of a minor under 15” against the filmmakers Benoît Jacquot and Jacques Doillon).

“I lived and grew up there” 

Karin Viard herself was a witness but also a victim of sexual violence.

At the time, the actress didn't see the problem.

“When I was told that everyone was complicit, in that sense I was too, I found all this inappropriate behavior quite normal,” she confides in

 C à vous


"I lived and grew up in that, basically being groped a little... I didn't think of saying: 'But that's not okay at all! We need to denounce this kind of behavior'".

Karin Viard refuses to call witnesses of attacks who have remained silent as “accomplices”. 

"When I was told that everyone was complicit, in that sense I was too, I found all this inappropriate behavior quite normal, I lived and grew up in it, we didn't see where the problem was ."#MeToo: Karin Viard in #Cà

— C to you (@cavousf5) February 26, 2024

"This deafening silence from the cinema which would be complicit in certain actions both yes and at the same time no. Some yes. But most people were not particularly complicit. It's as if you didn't ask yourself the question" , assures the actress


“These are inappropriate behaviors that you accept, you don’t even know why. You don’t actually ask yourself the question.”

Karin Viard then spoke about the Judith Godrèche affair.

As a teenager, the actress had a relationship under the influence of Benoît Jacquot, 35 years her senior.

"I remember very well knowing that this very young girl had gotten together with this very old guy and saying to myself: 'She's really mature for her age'. You weren't thinking of saying to yourself 'there's something that's not right at all,' recognizes Karin Viard. The actress is delighted today with the freedom of speech and hopes that women will continue to step up to the plate in the face of this unacceptable behavior.