Teller Report

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress attend an exhibition of artists who face environmental issues

2/27/2024, 8:13:42 PM

Highlights: Their Majesties visited the art museum in Roppongi, Tokyo, just after 6pm on the 27th. The museum is holding an exhibition on the theme of how contemporary art deals with the environmental crisis. About 100 works by 34 domestic and international artists are on display. His Majesty the Emperor stood on an artificial marble floor with embedded glass and metal that looked like Braille blocks for the visually impaired. The exhibition is on view at the Mori Art Museum until the end of March.

[NHK] On the evening of the 27th, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress visited an exhibition at an art museum in Tokyo that brought together the works of domestic and international artists who tackle environmental issues.

On the evening of the 27th, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress visited an exhibition at an art museum in Tokyo that brought together works by domestic and international artists who tackle environmental issues.

Their Majesties visited the art museum in Roppongi, Tokyo, just after 6pm on the 27th.

This museum is holding an exhibition on the theme of how contemporary art deals with the environmental crisis, and about 100 works by 34 domestic and international artists are on display.

The New Zealand artist's work features an artificial marble floor that visitors can walk on, and an indigo-dyed cloth approximately 6 meters long and 10 meters wide that expresses the infinite gradation of the sky. It has been constructed.

His Majesty the Emperor stood on an artificial marble floor with embedded glass and metal that looked like Braille blocks for the visually impaired, looked at a piece of cloth hanging from the ceiling, and said, ``It's quite big.'' I did.

The exhibition ``Our Ecology: Living on Planet Earth'' is on view at the Mori Art Museum until the end of March.