Teller Report

The State Duma proposed making the flag raising ceremony mandatory for all schools

2/27/2024, 1:12:49 PM

Highlights: State Duma proposed making the flag raising ceremony mandatory for all schools. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, Olga Kazakova, addressed the Ministry of Education with a proposal. According to her, this event plays an important role for the patriotic education of the younger generation. This ceremony is not included in the “extracurricular activities” of the relevant federal general education programs and is not carried out by all general education organizations, mainly private schools in the constituent entities.

The Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, Olga Kazakova, addressed the Ministry of Education with a proposal to make the ceremony of raising the national flag mandatory in all Russian schools, regardless of their form of ownership. A copy of the appeal is at RT’s disposal.

As the parliamentarian recalled, from September 1, 2022, in accordance with the letters of the Ministry of Education “On the use of state symbols of the Russian Federation” and “On the direction of the Ceremonial Standard”, a weekly ceremony of raising the national flag and performing the Russian anthem is held in educational institutions.

According to her, this event plays an important role for the patriotic education of the younger generation, it disciplines and unites children, is an instrument for the formation of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​and is supported by society, as evidenced by the results of surveys conducted by VTsIOM.

At the same time, Kazakova noted that this ceremony is of a recommendatory nature, in contrast to the classes “Talking about important things.”

This ceremony is not included in the “extracurricular activities” of the relevant federal general education programs and is not carried out by all general education organizations, mainly private schools in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

“We ask you to consider the possibility of making changes to the relevant federal basic general education programs to give this ceremony the status of mandatory for all general education organizations, regardless of their form of ownership,” the text of the appeal says.

Earlier, State Duma deputy Yana Lantratova proposed expanding the staff of school pedagogical psychologists using the school’s internal resources, namely, through the creation and implementation of financial motivation mechanisms to improve the qualifications of class teachers to the level of educational psychologist by introducing an additional monthly remuneration.