Teller Report

The People's Court Case Database is officially launched today and open to the public

2/27/2024, 3:14:07 AM

Highlights: The People's Court Case Database is officially launched today and open to the public. The public can check it after registering and logging in. The database contains authoritative cases that have been reviewed by the Supreme People’s Court and deemed to have reference and demonstration value for similar cases, including guiding cases and reference cases. The China Judgment Document Network will not be closed and will complement the people's Court case library. There are currently 3,711 cases in the case database. The first batch of cases have the following characteristics: "Full coverage of common crimes and frequently occurring cases"

  The Supreme People's Court held a press conference today to announce that the People's Court case database was officially launched and open to the public.

The public can check it after registering and logging in. What kind of services will the case library provide to the public? What are the differences from the cases published on the China Judgment Documents Network? Will the China Judgments Documents Network be closed?

At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of the Supreme People's Court responded to these questions.

  According to the Supreme People's Court, in order to promote the solution of problems such as unstandardized, untimely, unsystematic, inconsistent and difficult-to-retrieve case guidance and better meet the diversified judicial needs of all sectors of society and the people, the Supreme People's Court decided to build a People's Court case database.

Today, the People's Court case database is officially online and open to the public.

You can click directly on the "People's Court Case Library" icon on the homepage of the official website of the Supreme People's Court to enter.

  The People's Court Case Database contains authoritative cases that have been reviewed by the Supreme People's Court and deemed to have reference and demonstration value for similar cases, including guiding cases and reference cases.

Build a case database of the People's Courts. After unified review and control by the Supreme People's Court, authoritative cases with reference and demonstration value for handling similar cases will be compiled and published, gradually covering various causes of cases and charges, and various difficult and complex legal application issues, which can provide judges with more authority in handling cases. , more standardized and comprehensive guidance.

The Supreme Law requires that when hearing a case, judges must search the case database and make decisions with reference to similar cases in the database.

This is undoubtedly of great significance in promoting the unification of adjudication rules and standards, avoiding "different judgments in the same case", and ensuring the correct and uniform application of the law.

  The case library of the People's Court is open to the public, helping the people to better learn and apply the law through vivid cases, enhance legal awareness, clearly understand the boundaries of behavior, and strengthen self-protection; after a dispute occurs, they can use the law that has come into force Understand the adjudication rules and predict the outcome of litigation based on similar authoritative cases, thereby reducing unnecessary prosecutions, appeals and appeals.

With the help of authoritative cases, various mediation organizations can also better guide and persuade the parties and promote mediation as much as possible.

This can achieve the effect of "releasing one case and educating others", and truly implement "grasping the front end and treating diseases before they occur".

  The China Judgment Document Network will not be closed and will complement the People's Court case library.

  The Supreme People's Court stated that it attaches great importance to the work of judicial disclosure, effectively increases the disclosure of judgment documents, continues to optimize the mechanism for disclosure of judgment documents, and continuously improves the quality and effectiveness of the disclosure of judgment documents.

While continuing to run and optimize the China Judgment Document Network, we will also build a people's court case database to include reference cases with standardized formats, complete elements, and easy retrieval. This will not only provide more accurate and authoritative case-handling references and research materials for the majority of judicial and legal professionals. , and also effectively responded to the people’s practical needs for deeper judicial transparency.

It can be said that the People's Court case library is a new type of "judicial supply" and "rule of law product" provided for demand-side innovation.

  There are currently 3,711 cases in the People's Court case database.

  According to statistics, 3,711 cases have been entered into the People's Court case database.

Among them, there were 1,453 criminal cases, accounting for 39.15%; 1,643 civil cases, accounting for 44.27%; 405 administrative cases, accounting for 10.91%; 23 state compensation cases, accounting for 0.62%; and enforcement cases. 187 items, accounting for 5.04%.

  The first batch of cases entered into the database have the following characteristics:

  (1) "Full coverage" of common crimes and frequently occurring causes of cases has been basically achieved.

Common crimes such as theft, trust crimes, fraud, intentional injury, and drug crimes, as well as causes of large-volume cases such as private loan disputes, marriage and family disputes, and motor vehicle traffic accident liability disputes, have been included in a batch of databases case.

It can be said that although the total number of cases currently in the case database is still relatively limited, it can basically meet the needs of judicial practice in terms of guiding the handling of common cases and handling common legal application issues.

  (2) Pay attention to the requirements of “serving the overall situation and serving the people’s justice”.

A number of cases that are conducive to promoting high-quality economic and social development have been compiled and distributed, such as cases on the protection of property rights of private enterprises and entrepreneurs' rights and interests, compliance cases of enterprises involved, and cases of intellectual property protection.

In response to social concerns, a number of cases related to people's livelihood were compiled and distributed, such as cases of punishing cyber violence and telecommunications network fraud, cases of safeguarding food and drug safety, cases involving disputes over the return of betrothal gifts, and various labor dispute cases.

In order to highlight the judicial protection of special groups such as the elderly and children, the case database also has special columns such as "Protection Cases Involving the Elderly" and "Protection Cases Involving Minors".

  (3) Attaching great importance to the “freshness” and timeliness of the cases in the database.

Priority will be given to recent cases.

For example, in December last year, the "Two High Schools and Two Ministries" issued the "Opinions on Handling Criminal Cases of Drunken and Dangerous Driving", which made new provisions on the conviction and sentencing standards for the crime of drunken and dangerous driving and the application of relevant laws.

To this end, the case database has specially included a batch of drunk driving cases that are subject to the latest opinions to ensure that the cases in the database are not outdated and can effectively play the role of guiding trials and serving the society.

  The case library will be replenished with new cases in a timely manner and obsolete cases will be cleaned and replaced.

  The Supreme People's Court stated that although the current cases in the database have achieved full coverage of common crimes and frequent causes of action, they are far from "covering various crimes and causes of action. There will also be corresponding cases on different legal application issues under the same crime and the same cause of action." Compared with the construction goals, there is still a big gap.

Moreover, as the economy and society continue to develop and new laws and judicial interpretations are continuously introduced, there will be many new legal issues that require clear applicable rules, new cases that need to be added in a timely manner, and outdated cases that need to be cleaned up and replaced.

Therefore, the construction of the case database will be a long-term dynamic process. It can be said that "it is only in progress and not completed." The Supreme People's Court will continue to do a good job in this major project of fundamental significance.

(CCTV reporter Zhang Saili Ming)