Teller Report

The Hong Kong Flower Show will be held from March 15 with the theme flower being the fragrant sparrow.

2/27/2024, 5:33:47 AM

Highlights: The Hong Kong Flower Show (Flower Show) will be held in Victoria Park from March 15 to 24 for a period of 10 days. The exhibition uses the colorful finch as the theme flower and the theme of "Joy the whole city" The fragrant bird is also known as the angel flower. It has a small and unique flower shape and a fresh and fragrant smell. When in full bloom, the flowers are dense and swaying in the wind, just like the dancing bird, adding beauty to the spring.

  China News Service, February 27. According to Hong Kong's "Dian News" report, this year's Hong Kong Flower Show (Flower Show) will be held in Victoria Park from March 15 to 24 for a period of 10 days. The opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 9pm.

The exhibition uses the colorful finch as the theme flower and the theme of "Joy the whole city".

  Colorful sparrow.

Image source: Information Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government

  In addition to theme flowers and other flowers, the flower show also features carefully cultivated potted plants, beautiful floral arrangements, and unique garden landscaping.

There are also sales stalls for flowers and gardening products at the venue, and a number of educational and entertainment activities are held during the exhibition.

  The fragrant bird is also known as the angel flower. It has a small and unique flower shape and a fresh and fragrant smell. Its stems are covered with small flower buds. When in full bloom, the flowers are dense and swaying in the wind, just like the dancing bird, adding beauty to the spring.

  The flower is native to tropical America and is a herbaceous plant of the genus Plantago in the Plantain family. Its flowers are bright and colorful and bloom most abundantly in spring, summer and autumn. It is suitable for planting in Hong Kong.

There are many varieties of fragrant finch, with plant height ranging from 30 to 100 centimeters. They have many flowers and unique spotted patterns in the corolla. Their flowers are rich in color and are of great ornamental value.

It is easy to cultivate. It can be grown in pots and placed in gardens, flower beds, flower paths and terraces, or it can be planted on the spot. Some varieties are often used as cut flowers to make flower baskets and bouquets. The fragrant bird is also often displayed at flower exhibitions. , very popular among flower lovers.