Teller Report

TEPCO apologizes to fishermen's cooperatives over trouble with contaminated water purification equipment at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

2/27/2024, 7:02:45 AM

Highlights: TEPCO apologizes to fishermen's cooperatives over trouble with contaminated water purification equipment at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. TEPCO explained that it would take measures such as reviewing procedure manuals. Chairman Nozaki of the Prefectural Fisheries Federation said, "I want everyone to approach the decommissioning work with a sense of urgency" "We apologize for causing you various concerns and inconveniences.We sincerely apologize,'' said TEPCo Fellow Tsunemasa Niizuma.

[NHK] Regarding the trouble at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant where water containing radioactive materials leaked outdoors from the contaminated water purification equipment, TEPCO announced on the 27th that it was in Fukushima prefecture...

On the 27th, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) attended a meeting of the fishing association in Fukushima Prefecture and apologized for the trouble that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, where water containing radioactive materials leaked outdoors from a contaminated water purification system.

On the 7th of this month, approximately 1.5 tons of water containing radioactive materials leaked from the contaminated water purification system at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) collected the water-soaked soil and inspected drainage channels to ensure that it did not leak into the sea. We are continuing to monitor.

On the 27th, a meeting attended by the heads of fishermen's cooperatives in Fukushima Prefecture, including executives from Tokyo Electric Power Company, was held, and at the beginning Satoshi Nozaki, chairman of the Fukushima Prefecture Fisheries Cooperative Federation, said, ``There are concerns about sea pollution.'' "This is a problem, so I would like TEPCO to tackle each C one by one with a sense of urgency."

In response, TEPCO Fellow Tsunemasa Niizuma apologized, saying, ``We apologize for causing you various concerns and inconveniences.We sincerely apologize.''

In this incident, it was revealed that the worker had overlooked the fact that a valve that should have been closed was left open, and that the procedure manual did not specify how to close the valve. TEPCO explained that it would take measures such as reviewing procedure manuals.

Participants pointed out that we should not only look at procedure manuals, but also identify and respond to the work that is actually being done on site.

After the meeting, Chairman Nozaki of the Prefectural Fisheries Federation said, ``We have no choice but to wait and watch, so I want everyone to approach the decommissioning work with a sense of urgency, as if they are starting a new project one by one.''