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Shanghai Health Supervision Department conducts spring school infectious disease prevention and control inspections to build a strong campus health barrier - China News Service Video

2/27/2024, 10:13:37 PM

Highlights: Shanghai Health Supervision Department conducts spring school infectious disease prevention and control inspections to build a strong campus health barrier. Video produced by Zhang Jian and Liu Shijiong is from Jinshan District Financial Media Center. The Supervision Office of the National Health Commission will next combine the "double random inspection" of school sanitation, special inspections of lighting and lighting, and special spot inspections of direct drinking water to fully protect the environment of primary and secondary schools within its jurisdiction. The video is from China News Service.

Shanghai Health Supervision Department conducts spring school infectious disease prevention and control inspections to build a strong campus health barrier

  Recently, as the school season begins, the Supervision Office of the Shanghai Jinshan District Health Commission has carried out special spring infectious disease prevention and control random inspections on some primary and secondary schools and child care (education) institutions within its jurisdiction to protect the health and safety of school teachers and students.

  In Jinyue Kindergarten, the inspectors carefully reviewed the "one case and eight systems" for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in the kindergarten, that is, the emergency plan and eight systems. They also randomly checked morning inspections, full-day health observation records, and staff health certificates. Wait for the sanitation management situation, and use class items as an example to carefully inquire the relevant personnel about their disinfection methods.

  At Haitang Primary School in Jinshan District, the inspectors focused on inspecting the infectious disease prevention and control management system, implementing various prevention and control measures such as tracing and registering the causes of sick absences, and reporting infectious diseases, to ensure that the school's infectious disease prevention and control measures, emergency plans, and hygiene The management system is put in place.

At the same time, schools are required to continue to provide daily ventilation, cleaning and disinfection in teaching areas, strengthen safety management of drinking water and preventive disinfection of places.

  Hu Jia, a staff member of the Zhujing Branch of the Shanghai Jinshan District Health Commission Supervision Office, said that this inspection mainly involves checking ledgers, reviewing records, on-site inspections, etc., focusing on school morning inspections, tracing and registering the causes of absenteeism due to illness, etc. Regarding the implementation of infectious disease prevention and control, the Supervision Office of the National Health Commission will next combine the "double random inspection" of school sanitation, special inspections of lighting and lighting, and special spot inspections of direct drinking water to fully protect the environment of primary and secondary schools within its jurisdiction.

(The video produced by Zhang Jian and Liu Shijiong is from Jinshan District Financial Media Center)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]