Teller Report

Regarding the development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, this press conference was extremely informative.

2/27/2024, 12:22:49 PM

Highlights: Beijing has become the first megacity in the country to reduce development volume. The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is "nihilistic" in that it relieves Beijing of its non-capital functions. Focusing on solving the problem of "big city disease" in Beijing, we have formed a plan and policy system for alleviation, and promoted the construction of universities, hospitals, and state-owned enterprise headquarters. The level of medical insurance benefits in Xiongan New Area is not lower than that in Beijing. In 2014, since the implementation of the strategy, Beijing has decentralized 3,000 general manufacturing companies.

  China News Service, February 27 (China News Business Reporter Xie Yiguan) Beijing has become the first megacity in the country to reduce development volume!

  On February 27, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region over the past ten years, revealing this blockbuster news.

Beijing becomes the first megacity in the country to reduce development volume

  "Beijing has made breakthrough progress in decentralizing non-capital functions." Guo Lanfeng, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at the meeting.

  Guo Lanfeng said that the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is "nihilistic" in that it relieves Beijing of its non-capital functions.

Focusing on solving the problem of "big city disease" in Beijing, we have formed a plan and policy system for alleviation, and promoted the construction of the first batch of universities, hospitals, and state-owned enterprise headquarters in Xiongan New Area. At the same time, we have also issued regulations on household registration, investment, and alleviation to Xiongan’s policies on wages and income of employees or companies.

  "The functional layout of Beijing's capital is constantly being optimized, and Beijing has become the first megacity in the country to reduce development volume." Guo Lanfeng mentioned.

  Data map: Beijing CBD area.

Photo by China News Service reporter Yi Haifei

Construction of Xiongan campuses of 4 universities has started

  As Guo Lanfeng said, the starting point and goal of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is to relieve Beijing of its non-capital functions, and its main purpose is to solve Beijing’s “big city disease” problem.

  "We adhere to the combination of centralized relief and decentralized relief, and the combination of government guidance and market mechanisms to promote the relief work in a steady and orderly manner."

  Guo Lanfeng said that there are two important aspects here. One is to promote the transfer of a number of regional wholesale markets and general manufacturing industries to qualified areas outside Beijing.

In 2014, since the implementation of the strategy, Beijing has decentralized 3,000 general manufacturing companies and decentralized and upgraded nearly 1,000 regional professional markets and logistics centers.

  The second is to promote the decentralization of non-capital functions of central units.

At present, the Xiongan campus of four universities: Beijing Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing Forestry University, and China University of Geosciences (Beijing), and the Xiongan campus of Peking University People's Hospital have all started construction. China Star Network, China Sinochem , China Huaneng, China Mining and other central enterprises are accelerating the construction of their Xiongan headquarters. The headquarters of China Three Gorges, China State Shipbuilding, and China Electronics have also moved from Beijing to Wuhan, Shanghai, and Shenzhen respectively, which is also conducive to the national economic layout.

  Data map: The groundbreaking ceremony of the Xiongan Campus of China University of Geosciences (Beijing).

Photo by China News Service reporter Han Bing

The level of medical insurance benefits in Xiongan New Area is not lower than that in Beijing

  Xiongan New Area serves as a centralized hub for Beijing’s non-capital functions. How does Hebei implement this functional positioning and provide services related to the decentralization?

  In this regard, Zhang Chengzhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, said that Hebei adheres to the combination of market mechanisms and government guidance, focuses on both projects and policies, and proceeds in an orderly manner.

The first is to create an attractive decentralization policy environment; the second is to create a high-quality production and living environment; and the third is to create a vibrant innovation and entrepreneurship environment.

  In terms of creating an attractive decentralization policy environment, we have made good use of the central government's package of support policies and introduced 10 supporting plans for housing, household registration, education, and medical care. The level of medical insurance benefits in the new district is not lower than that of Beijing, and the provident fund payment standards have been synchronized with Beijing's. .

Strengthen policy publicity and interpretation, establish a policy direct mechanism, open up a green channel for alleviation services, and provide "one-stop" comprehensive services for registration, land supply, approval, and construction, so that alleviation objects can be obtained, retained, and developed well.

  Data map: Aerial photography of the Xiongan Free Trade Pilot Zone Exchange and Exhibition Center.

(Drone photo) Photo by China News Service reporter Han Bing

The Pinggu Line of rail transit has five stations in Sanhe City

  At the press conference, Xia Linmao, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, said that we join hands with Hebei to conscientiously implement the overall high-quality development plan for the integration of Tongzhou District and Beisan County approved by the State Council, and adhere to unified planning, unified policies, unified standards, and unified management and control , established the board of directors and executive committee of the integrated high-quality development demonstration zone and implemented them in a practical manner, realizing cross-domain administration of government services.

  "Currently, there are 10 cross-border roads between Tongzhou and Beisan County. The factory road will be completed and opened to traffic by the end of this year. The Pinggu Line of rail transit is fully constructed and five stations have been set up in Sanhe City. Beijing Experimental School and Beisan County work together to run schools. Chaoyang Hospital supports Yanda Hospital to become a top-level general hospital. We have also held project promotion and negotiation meetings for five consecutive years, and have signed more than 210 projects with an intended investment of more than 150 billion yuan," Xia Linmao mentioned.

  Data map: Workers process steel bars at the construction site of Yongshun Station on the Beijing Metro Pinggu Line.

Photo by China News Service reporter Jia Tianyong

A new batch of qualified relief projects will be implemented

  Over the past ten years, the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has gone from drawing a blueprint to in-depth implementation.

In the next ten years, how to promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to a new level?

  Guo Lanfeng emphasized that the next step is to focus on solving the problem of "big city disease" in Beijing and not let up on the work of decongestion.

  "Currently, the first batch of projects are being accelerated, and a new batch of qualified projects will be implemented. At the same time, we pay more attention to improvement in the process of relocation. Relocation is not a simple matter of relocation to Xiongan or where to relocate, such as central enterprises To decentralize, we should improve the enterprise's institutional mechanism, business scope, technological innovation, etc. Only in this way can we promote the development of Tianjin and Hebei through decentralization, and achieve coordinated development."

  In addition, according to his introduction, Beijing's "new two wings" should be built with high standards and high quality to cultivate regional growth poles; promote high-quality development in key areas and help build a world-class urban agglomeration with the capital as the core; innovate and coordinate development Institutions and mechanisms to promote the transformation of coordination in key areas to coordination of rules and regulations; persisting in promoting coordinated development with the people as the center, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people in the region are also the focus of the next step.
