Teller Report

Ottawa, Canada: The world’s longest outdoor natural ice track has the shortest opening season in history

2/27/2024, 6:43:57 AM

Highlights: The Rideau Canal ice channel in Ottawa, Canada's capital, was only open intermittently for 10 days this winter. It closed on the evening of the 25th, hastily ending this open season. In the winter of 2023, also due to a mild winter, the Lido Canal failed to freeze ideally, resulting in it being completely closed to the public for the first time in more than half a century. In 2005, it was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest naturally formed ice skating track.

  China News Service, Toronto, February 26 (Reporter Yu Ruidong) Affected by the El Niño phenomenon, as the world's longest outdoor natural ice channel, the Rideau Canal ice channel in Ottawa, Canada's capital, was only open intermittently for 10 days this winter. It closed on the evening of the 25th, hastily ending this open season.

  The National Capital Commission of Canada made relevant announcements on the 25th and asked the public to "see you next winter."

  This is also the shortest opening season ever for the Rideau Canal Ice Trail.

In the winter of 2023, also due to a mild winter, the Lido Canal failed to freeze ideally, resulting in it being completely closed to the public for the first time in more than half a century.

  The Ottawa Rideau Canal Ice Trail first opened in January 1971.

Today, the total length of this ice track winding through downtown Ottawa is more than 7.8 kilometers.

In 2005, it was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest naturally formed ice skating track.

In 2007, the Rideau Canal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  The ice track's opening season usually runs from early January to early March, but the exact time depends on weather conditions.

According to Canada's National Capital Commission, ice trails can be opened to the public when the ice thickness exceeds 30 centimeters and is of good quality.

For this purpose, it generally requires 10 to 14 consecutive days of cold weather between minus 10 degrees Celsius and minus 20 degrees Celsius.

  Historical records show that the average length of the ice track's open season is 50 days, with the longest record being 95 days in the winter of 1971-1972.

  Although Canada is generally in a warm winter environment this winter, there are also short-term snowstorms and extremely cold weather that bring dramatic fluctuations in the climate.

The meteorological department predicts that areas such as the Greater Toronto Area and eastern Ontario, where Ottawa is located, may experience a sudden drop in temperatures on February 28.

Snow, strong winds, freezing rain and other severe weather will interrupt the current rare warm season.

But after the bad weather continues for a few days, temperatures are expected to rebound in early March.