Teller Report

Mundo: Spanish authorities knew about Kuzminov’s presence in the country from day one

2/27/2024, 5:32:44 AM

Highlights: Mundo: Spanish authorities knew about Kuzminov’s presence in the country from day one. The newspaper El Mundo reported that the Russian defector spent at most several days in the municipality of Villajoyosa, where his body was found. The discovery of a man's corpse in Spain became known on February 19. A number of officials in Russia, including Medvedev, spoke out about the incident. It was reported that KuzMinov could have been killed, but this information was not confirmed.

The Spanish authorities knew “from day one” about the presence in Spain of the traitorous pilot Maxim Kuzminov, who hijacked a Russian military helicopter in 2023.

The newspaper El Mundo writes about this, citing sources.

“Madrid knew from day one about the presence of a pilot in Spain,” one of the Spanish officials told the publication.

The discovery of a man's corpse in Spain became known on February 19.

It was reported that Kuzminov could have been killed, but this information was not confirmed by official sources.

A number of officials in Russia, including Medvedev, spoke out about the incident.

The newspaper El Mundo reported that the Russian defector spent at most several days in the municipality of Villajoyosa, where his body was found.