Teller Report

Boy dies during school lunch; elementary school holds briefing; calls for care for children and teachers

2/27/2024, 2:42:58 PM

Highlights: Boy dies during school lunch; elementary school holds briefing; calls for care for children and teachers. Following an accident in which a first-year boy died after choking on his school lunch at an elementary school in Miyama City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the school held a campaign for parents on the night of the 27th. According to the city's Board of Education, the victim appears to have choked on the quail eggs that were in the miso oden. It was explained that around 20 to 25 minutes, not including cleaning up, were spent on eating.

[NHK] Following an accident in which a first-year boy died after choking on his school lunch at an elementary school in Miyama City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the school held a campaign for parents on the night of the 27th...

Following an accident in which a first-grade boy died after choking on his school lunch at an elementary school in Miyama City, Fukuoka Prefecture, an information session for parents was held at the school on the night of the 27th.

On the 26th, a first grade boy attending an elementary school in Miyama City, Fukuoka Prefecture died after choking on his school lunch.

According to the city's Board of Education, the victim appears to have choked on the quail eggs that were in the miso oden.

An information session for parents was held in private at the school on the night of the 27th.

According to the city's Board of Education, more than 200 people attended the information session, and in response to questions from parents, they announced that quail eggs would not be used as an ingredient for the time being, and that they would not be able to serve or serve the 45-minute school lunch. It was explained that around 20 to 25 minutes, not including cleaning up, were spent on eating.

Additionally, parents expressed the opinion that they wanted psychological care not only for the children, but also for the homeroom teachers and other teachers.

According to the city's Board of Education, school counselors conducted interviews and questionnaires with more than 250 children at the school, and found that multiple children, mainly in the lower grades, said they were unable to eat school lunch or sleep. This means that it has been confirmed.

The city's Board of Education will continue to provide counseling and other assistance as needed.