Teller Report

Another 'mascletà' in Cibeles, with lapses from Reyes Maroto and disapproval of Pedro Sánchez: "I don't know Mr. Koldo!"

2/27/2024, 3:32:59 PM

Highlights: Another'mascletà' in Cibeles, with lapses from Reyes Maroto and disapproval of Pedro Sánchez: "I don't know Mr. Koldo!". Surely it no longer surprises you, but, due to recurrence, it is time to tell it. And (yes, again) sparks flew again in the Plenary Hall of the Cibele Palace. And if you didn't exist, we would have to invent you," that Almeida gave to Maroto at the start.

Surely it no longer surprises you, but, due to recurrence, it is time to tell it. And (yes, again) sparks flew again in the Plenary Hall of the Cibeles Palace. And if,...

Carlos Guisasola Madrid


Updated Tuesday, February 27, 2024-16:27

  • Plenary Football also enters Cibeles: "Let Rayo decide the future of Rayo; the less political interference, the better"

Surely it no longer surprises you, but, due to recurrence, it is time to tell it.

And (yes, again) sparks flew again in the Plenary Hall of the Cibeles Palace.

And (yes, again) the temperature rose due to national politics.

And (yes, again)

Reyes Maroto

once again asked for words using article 78, that is, for allusions.

From the second point of the day, when the session had just dawned, until the epilogue, with that final disapproval (after a motion of urgency) to

Pedro Sánchez

for not having given his vote to Madrid as the headquarters of the European Agency against Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (AMLA), the day barely stopped boiling.

It was José Luis Martínez-Almeida


who defended the final urgency motion, already in added time, which is when, lately, paranormal things (sometimes) have been happening in the Madrid City Council.

Before, there was a confrontation to urge the disapproval of Minister Marlaska, for the murder of the two civil guards.

And for the issues of agriculture in Spain.

And, logically, the names of Koldo García and José Luis Ábalos came to the fore, anchoring themselves to their chair, to their new seat in the Mixed Group, while the dialectical duels accelerated in Cibeles.

In fact,

Reyes Maroto

, municipal socialist spokesperson, was the target of a good part of the messages of the day.

To such an extent that, for the second plenary session in a row, she asked to speak again, alluding to that article 78. "I don't know Mr. Koldo!" She launched from her seat, after denouncing that they had called her a liar, a sectarian and having been insulted.

"The sectarian is the president of the Plenary," she protested.

Along the way, she tried to stand up for the Government of Pedro Sánchez of which she was part until a year ago: "I am not going to allow the Government of Spain to be criticized, and I am proud to have been part of it." .

She also evoked her agricultural roots to defend the tractor drivers' position.

Many things were happening.

Like that "if you didn't exist, we would have to invent you," that Almeida gave to Maroto at the start.

Or the "hurry up Mrs. Maroto because the friends of the Government are going to leave after the Koldo case."

The crossfire between the PP and the PSOE benches.

A belligerent route that already exists does not catch anyone by surprise.

Amid so much tension, Maroto had a lapse: "See if Spain advances when the PP governs...".

There was laughter, of course.

Sánchez's 2023 letter

The fact is that, after urging Congress to disapprove Marlaska, an initiative promoted by Vox, that last step arrived pointing to Pedro Sánchez.

"We won in the European Parliament, where there was democracy and people felt free to vote. The procedure was devised in ECOFIN, with

Nadia Calviño

in the middle, to favor France and Germany. Why didn't Pedro Sánchez pick up the phone to convince anyone? Because Nadia wanted to be president of the European Investment Bank (EIB)," Almeida explained.

The PSOE's reply, through the mouth of

Enma López

, not Maroto, was a two-page letter, sent to the president of the European Parliament on January 27, 2023 (just over a year before the election) where Sánchez gave his support for Madrid for the AMLA.

"We also believed that Rato's presidency of the IMF was good news, but he ended up in jail," was one of the arguments.

To which Almeida added: "Sánchez has lost his two strongholds in politics: José Luis Ábalos and Reyes Maroto. Do you see it so badly that he has not come out to defend the President of the Government?"

And the President, logically, due to the votes in favor of the PP, and also with those of Vox, was failed.

It was another entertaining session in Cibeles, where the only thing missing is the popcorn.