Teller Report

(Two Sessions Express) The National Two Sessions News Center will be launched in 2024

2/27/2024, 6:52:52 AM

Highlights: The National Two Sessions News Center will be launched in 2024. At present, more than 3,000 Chinese and foreign journalists have signed up to cover the two sessions across the country. The Domestic Reporters Group, the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Reporters group, and the Foreign Journalists Group are ready to provide services to Chinese andforeign journalists. The press center also set up a tea break area for Chinese andForeign journalists. (over) over. over. ( over) (over). over.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 27 (Zeng Yue) The 2024 National Two Sessions News Center was officially opened on the 27th to provide news services for Chinese and foreign journalists.

  The Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress and the Second Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will open in Beijing on March 5 and March 4 respectively.

At present, more than 3,000 Chinese and foreign journalists have signed up to cover the two sessions across the country, including more than 2,000 domestic reporters, more than 1,000 reporters from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and foreign reporters. The number of Chinese and foreign reporters has increased significantly compared with recent years.

On February 27, as the National Two Sessions are about to be held in 2024, the National Two Sessions News Center located in Beijing Media Center was officially opened.

The picture shows media reporters interviewing and shooting at the National Two Sessions News Center.

Photo by China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming

  The press center for the two sessions is located at the Media Center on the north side of West Chang'an Street in Beijing.

The reporter came to the scene on the morning of the 27th and saw that a blue display board with the words "News Center for the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress and the Second Session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee" had been placed at the entrance to the first floor of the Media Center prominent position.

On the same day, media outlets came to the press center one after another to collect relevant interview credentials.

On February 27, as the National Two Sessions are about to be held in 2024, the National Two Sessions News Center located in Beijing Media Center was officially opened.

The picture shows the press conference hall of the National Two Sessions Press Center.

Photo by China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming

  According to the reporter's on-site understanding, the press conference hall and the press center interview room have been properly set up, and a series of interview activities will be held here.

The Domestic Reporters Group, the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Reporters Group, and the Foreign Journalists Group are ready to provide services to Chinese and foreign journalists.

The press center also set up a tea break area for Chinese and foreign journalists.

On February 27, as the National Two Sessions are about to be held in 2024, the National Two Sessions News Center located in Beijing Media Center was officially opened.

The picture shows media reporters receiving their credentials at the press center.

Photo by China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming

  It is known that the Two Sessions News Center will also provide services and convenience for Chinese and foreign reporters to conduct interviews through the Internet; it will provide Chinese and foreign reporters with electronic versions of the main documents of the meeting, eliminating the need for media reporters to wait in line for a long time at the scene; and set up an interview room at the residence of the representative committee members. , providing convenient services for representative members to accept media interviews.
