Teller Report

“Why?” America’s media ignores the most important question about Bushnell setting himself on fire

2/27/2024, 10:53:52 AM

Highlights: Four major news outlets had almost the same headline on Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation. None of them mentioned the word "Gaza" or "genocide," the reason for Aaron's protest, the word 'Palestine,' or his final message. The American media, for the most part, does not address the consequences of the Joe Biden administration’s support for the Israeli aggression inside America. It has become difficult for the traditional American media to believe that ordinary people might only care about the mass killing and suffering of men, women and children in the Gaza Strip.

Four major news outlets had almost the same headline on Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation, and none of them mentioned the word "Gaza" or "genocide," the reason for Aaron's protest, the word "Palestine," or his final message.

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Washington -

The American media continued to deliberately ignore the consequences of the administration of President Joe Biden’s support for the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on the American interior, and the case of pilot Aaron Bushnell setting himself on fire to death in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, in protest against his country’s position on the aggression, was the latest chapter of this policy.

Ignorance has continued since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which has so far resulted in the martyrdom of nearly 30,000 Palestinians and the injury of tens of thousands of others, with full American support for Israel, whether in terms of armament or in international forums, the most important of which are the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice.

The American media, for the most part, does not address the consequences of the Joe Biden administration’s support for the Israeli aggression inside America, and reduces the impact of the societal movement that included many government decision-making centers and major American universities.

With critics of Israeli policies and those calling for an end to Washington's support for the aggression on Gaza being accused of "anti-Semitism" or sympathy for what they call "terrorism," the American media moved to suggest that Bushnell may have been "mentally ill or mentally ill."

It has become difficult for the traditional American media, especially supporters of Israel within it, to believe that ordinary people might only care about the mass killing and suffering of men, women and children in the Gaza Strip, without being “anti-Semites or terrorists” as they describe them.

Why did he do it?

Four major news outlets have almost the exact same headline for the self-immolation of 25-year old Aaron Bushnell.

Not one of them mentions the words "Gaza" or "genocide," the reason for Aaron's protest, or the word "Palestine," his last words spoken.

- Assal Rad (@AssalRad) February 26, 2024

4 means

International affairs expert Asal Arad tweeted - via the X platform - surprised by the position of 4 of the major American and international news networks.

It was monitored by the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, and CNN, all of which chose or agreed not to ask the question, “Why did Aaron Bushnell burn himself?” when covering the news.

"Don't ask why he did that? Four major news outlets had almost the same headline on Aaron Bushnell's (25-year-old) self-immolation, and none of them mentioned the word 'Gaza' or 'genocide', or the reason for Aaron's protest, or the word 'Palestine,' or His last words.

It is worth noting that Bushnell, an Air Force worker, went - last Sunday afternoon - to the Israeli embassy in Washington, and upon his arrival, he poured gasoline on his head and clothes, and set himself on fire while shouting “Freedom for Palestine” over and over again until he stopped breathing, so the Washington police announced. He later passed away.

Before setting himself on fire, Bushnell said in front of the embassy, ​​"I will organize a very violent protest now, but my protest is not large compared to what the Palestinians are experiencing at the hands of their occupiers."

Let's not forget

While the White House and the State Department have so far neglected to address or comment on this incident, the two independent candidates for the upcoming presidential elections commented with direct criticism of the US administration’s policy towards the Israeli aggression against Gaza.

Candidate Cornel West said - in a tweet on the These times!

Let us never forget the extraordinary courage and commitment of brother Aaron Bushnell who died for truth and justice!

I pray for his precious loved ones!

Let us rededicate ourselves to genuine solidarity with Palestinians undergoing genocidal attacks in real time!…

— Cornel West (@CornelWest) February 26, 2024

While Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, asked for prayers for Aaron Bushnell, she said on the X platform, “All mercy to Aaron Bushnell. (I will no longer be complicit in genocide. Free Palestine)!” I hope his sacrifice deepens our commitment to stopping... Genocide now.

Bushnell is a natural person

A US Air Force statement - issued yesterday, Monday - stated that Bushnell was from Whitman, Massachusetts, and worked as a cyber defense operations specialist with the 531st Intelligence Support Unit at Joint Base San Antonio.

Bushnell joined the Air Force in May 2020 and was assigned to the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing.

In the days before his death, Bushnell wrote a will detailing his final wishes, which he shared with his close friends.

In a press conference yesterday, Monday, Pentagon spokesman Major General Pat Ryder said that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is aware of the situation and is following it.

"It's certainly a tragic event, and we extend our condolences to the Air Force soldier's family," Rader added, without elaborating on the cause of death, or why Bushnell set himself on fire.

Protests increase

Last December, a person set himself on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, Georgia, while police said it was "most likely an act of extremist political protest."

“The Palestinian flag that was part of the protest was recovered at the scene, and gasoline was used to ignite the fire,” police and fire officials told reporters.

A similar incident occurred on December 1 outside the Israeli consulate office in Atlanta, Georgia, where a woman wrapped in the Palestinian flag deliberately set herself on fire in an apparent political protest, according to police.

Police said the woman, who was seriously injured, set herself on fire after pouring gasoline on her body.

A security guard suffered burns when he tried to put out the fire, according to police.

On the other hand, when covering the news of Bushnell setting himself on fire - in protest of his country's complicity in Israeli massacres - several media outlets pointed out the necessity of calling or sending free text messages to hotlines that help confront thoughts of suicide in order to obtain free and confidential emotional support 24 hours a day. An hour a day, seven days a week.

Source: Al Jazeera