Teller Report

»Queen of reading promotion«: Olivia Jones receives German Reading Prize

2/27/2024, 11:13:12 PM

Highlights: Olivia Jones is considered the most famous drag queen in Germany. She was awarded the German Reading Prize for her work with young people. The award was given by the Reading Foundation in Mainz. The prize was given for her "exemplary commitment to promoting reading" for children and young people, the foundation said. For more information on the award, visit the Reading Prize website. For confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here for details.

The Reading Foundation has honored Olivia Jones for her committed reading campaigns with children and young people. In 2023, another drag queen was criticized for reading to children.

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Olivia Jones: “We need strong role models, people who are committed and give a loud voice to promoting reading.”

Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa

The drag queen Olivia Jones was awarded the German Reading Prize in Berlin.

Jones received the special award for prominent commitment "for her exemplary commitment as a fighter for diversity and tolerance and her tireless commitment to promoting reading," as the Reading Foundation in Mainz announced.

“We need strong role models, people who are committed and give a loud voice to promoting reading,” says Jörg F. Maas, general manager of the Reading Foundation.

»Olivia Jones does exactly that and supports her artist family.

Such a valuable contribution to the future of children and young people must be recognized!«

Astrid Kießling-Taskin, board member of the prize sponsor Commerzbank Foundation, also explained that Jones was "a real inspiration - she shows that we can achieve anything if we fight for our dreams."

With her reading campaigns, Jones is making a “tangible difference for young people and educational equality in Germany.”

Last year, Jones helped drag queen Vicky Voyage, who was accused of early sexualization after appearing at a reading for children in Munich.

“A little more calm and less populism would certainly be good for the discussion,” said Jones at the time.

Vicky Voyage had also rejected the allegations: "If these people had read the information about the event carefully, they would have known that it was a child-friendly program," said the artist.

She wants to get children excited about books and show them different ways of life and perspectives.

Jones is considered the most famous drag queen in Germany.

Most recently she was awarded the German Television Prize together with Steffen Hallaschka for the documentary series “Dying for Beginners”.

Jones also published his own children's book and does reading campaigns.
