Teller Report

"Hardcore" equipment adds fun to indoor sports

2/27/2024, 3:53:10 AM

Highlights: "Hardcore" equipment adds fun to indoor sports. LED runways may provide the answer. A simulated ski training platform, a six-degree-of-freedom platform, and a motion form recognition and posture measurement system are used. Users can choose different competition events and conduct training such as "flag gate", "giant slalom" and "small slaloms" The indoor ski simulation trainer breaks through the restrictions of region and season, reduces participation costs, and allows people to "fly on the snow" even in the hot summer.

  ◎Our reporter He Liang

  Although spring has arrived, the outdoor temperature is still not high. People sweat a lot after exercising and are prone to catching colds.

Compared with outdoor sports, indoor sports are less affected by the weather.

Therefore, replacing outdoor sports with suitable indoor fitness programs has become the choice of many people.

  In recent years, with the help of technology, a series of "hard-core" sports equipment have made indoor exercise more efficient and interesting.

  LED runway:

  Shadow "runs with" athletes to race

  Running alone indoors is a bit boring.

What would it be like if there was interaction and competition?

LED runways may provide the answer.

  Athletes put on running shoes equipped with sensors and step onto the LED track.

At this time, the sensor in the running shoe is immediately connected to the LED screen located on the side of the track, and tracks the athlete's footprints through radio frequency signals, recording their running time, movement status and other information.

  When the athlete completes one lap and enters the next lap, he will see a projection on the LED screen wall next to him.

The moving speed of the projection is the running speed of the athlete's last lap.

At this time, the athletes on the LED track are racing against themselves.

After each athlete completes a lap, they can see their results on the screen at the end.

  When the athlete runs across the projection, he transcends himself.

At this time, the projection will change its strategy and run at the fastest speed in the athlete's history, urging them to constantly surpass themselves.

  It doesn’t matter if the athlete doesn’t see the information, the running results will be recorded in the relevant app.

  The LED runway also has an interactive mode.

The developers added virtual characters to the LED track program, including national record holders and other outstanding runners.

Athletes can choose to compete with these virtual characters or train with them according to their own needs.

  Therefore, even a person running on the LED track will not feel bored.

In addition, athletes can also learn the correct running posture from the world's top athletes. If they practice over time, they may one day surpass these athletes.

  Ski simulation trainer:

  Breaking through regional and seasonal skiing restrictions

  In recent years, the public's enthusiasm for skiing has increased, but skiing is subject to seasonal restrictions and can only be performed in winter.

However, the indoor ski simulation trainer breaks through the restrictions of region and season, reduces participation costs, and allows people to "fly on the snow" even in the hot summer.

  A ski enthusiast puts on a sensor device and swings his arms while sliding on a 12-meter-long steel ski platform.

The electronic screen in front of the enthusiast displayed simulated ski tracks and scenes.

  This indoor multi-degree-of-freedom simulated ski training system can improve the training efficiency of ski enthusiasts in special movements such as slalom and sliding.

The main developer of the system told reporters that the system includes a simulated ski training platform, a six-degree-of-freedom platform, a motion form recognition and posture measurement system, and an electronic large screen used to display ski scenes.

Users can choose different competition events and conduct training such as "flag gate", "giant slalom" and "small slalom".

  The six-degree-of-freedom platform under the ski platform can simulate height, tilt, deflection and other postures, and restore various track conditions that skiers may encounter in real skiing.

The sports form recognition and posture measurement system is used to collect and analyze skier training data to provide guidance for scientific training.

  “After skiing a track, the indoor multi-degree-of-freedom simulated ski training system will make comments based on the sliding data to correct the skier’s problems.” The system’s developers told reporters that the indoor multi-degree-of-freedom simulated ski training system is equipped with high-speed dynamic Cameras capture the skier's movements.

This system records the skier's gliding posture and compares it with the posture of elite athletes.

  Of course, safety is the prerequisite for training.

The reporter saw that the developers of the indoor multi-degree-of-freedom simulated ski training system set up guardrails before and after the ski platform, and also equipped skiers with safety ropes.

If a skier accidentally falls while sliding left or right, the optical sensors on the ski platform can detect it in time and immediately pause the equipment to ensure personnel safety.

 Indoor skydiving system:

  Let more people experience the joy of flying

  Wearing flight suits, helmets, and sneakers, the "pilots" standing at the exit of the wind tunnel followed the orders and jumped into the wind tunnel one after another.

Under the influence of the wind, they waved their arms, trying to maintain balance and experience the joy of flying...

  In recent years, indoor skydiving, a sport full of fun and challenges, has become increasingly popular among young people.

  Indoor skydiving uses aerodynamic principles and artificially controls airflow to allow users to fly in a wind tunnel, achieving the same effect as flying outdoors.

Participants can perform various movements in the air by changing their body's center of gravity.

  Located in Jihua Park in Yubei District, Chongqing, there is a cylindrical indoor skydiving system (wind tunnel flight cabin) with a diameter of 4.3 meters and a height of 12.88 meters. A huge safety net separates the cabin.

Participants fly above the net. Below the net is a huge wind turbine. The maximum wind speed can reach 255.6 kilometers/hour.

  Through the glass windows of the Jihua Park indoor skydiving system, the reporter saw well-trained skydiving enthusiasts flying upside down and spinning, and also saw trained children suspended in the air accompanied by instructors.

  The person in charge of the Jihua Park indoor skydiving system said that compared with outdoor skydiving, indoor skydiving has a higher safety factor and lower cost. "Newbies" who want to experience flying can also try it.

  Smart ball machine:

  The coach who never tires

  Holding the racket tightly with one hand and throwing the ball with the other, it only takes one second for multiple table tennis balls to be hit by the racket and reach the opposite side of the table, leaving the receiver overwhelmed... During the winter vacation that just passed, the man named "Pangbert" The table tennis smart ball server serves the ball tirelessly almost every day.

  The reporter saw in the training hall of Shanghai Sport University that several primary school students were sweating profusely while playing table tennis, changing their footwork to catch every ball, while the "Pangbot" on the other side of the table kept sending them one after another. A ball that spins at high speed and lands at a tricky point.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Shanghai Sport University, "Pangbert" has superb serving skills, precise serving points and random routes.

It can develop exclusive training plans based on the training requirements of table tennis enthusiasts of different levels to help them improve their skills and strengthen their bodies.

  According to relevant R&D personnel, "Pangbert" can be used for multi-ball training.

Multi-ball training is a method in which the coach continuously serves balls in various forms to enable the practitioner to become proficient in a certain movement.

Whether you are a newbie, a professional player with a certain level, or even a member of the national team or a world champion, you need multi-ball training to improve your playing skills.

With "Pombert", the coach can be "liberated" from the work of serving and focus more on correcting the trainer's pace and movements.

  "Pombert" not only serves, he can also coach.

"'Coach Pang' has very strong observation skills." Relevant R&D personnel told reporters that its built-in distributed binocular vision system can capture the movement trajectories of table tennis balls and participants in real time.

With the help of artificial intelligence algorithms, it can analyze the trajectory of table tennis and the actions of participants, give training suggestions based on the analysis results, and help adjust technical and tactical strategies.

  Today, "Pangbot" has been unveiled at large exhibitions such as the China International Industrial Expo and the World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

However, the current user population of "Pangbot" is relatively limited. How to make it more popular is a problem that product developers are solving.

  "In the future, it will enter more communities, schools, and ordinary families, training with table tennis enthusiasts and experiencing the fun of sports." said the developer of "Pangbot".