Teller Report

The Soyuz-2.1b rocket with the Meteor-M apparatus was installed at the Vostochny Cosmodrome

2/26/2024, 4:12:33 AM

Highlights: Soyuz-2.1b rocket with Meteor-M hydrometeorological apparatus and 18 satellites was installed at the Vostochny cosmodrome in Yakutia. Roscosmos CEO Yuri Borisov said that the state corporation plans to launch more than 40 rockets into space in 2024. The rocket was installed in a vertical position at the launch complex, specialists from the state Corporation’s enterprises continued preparing it for launch. It is noted that on February 26, the Soyuz-1b space rocket was transported to the launch Complex of site 1C.

The Soyuz-2.1b rocket with the Meteor-M hydrometeorological apparatus and 18 satellites was installed at the Vostochny cosmodrome in Yakutia.

Roscosmos reports this.

It is noted that on February 26, the Soyuz-2.1b space rocket with the Meteor-M hydrometeorological spacecraft No. 2-4 and 18 Russian and foreign accompanying small satellites was transported to the launch complex of site 1C of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

After installing the rocket in a vertical position at the launch complex, specialists from the state corporation’s enterprises continued preparing it for launch.

Earlier, Roscosmos CEO Yuri Borisov said that the state corporation plans to launch more than 40 rockets into space in 2024.