Teller Report

The Ministry of Commerce refuted the false U.S. report: confusing right and ignoring China’s great achievements in fulfilling its commitments to join the WTO

2/26/2024, 2:12:38 AM

Highlights: The Ministry of Commerce refuted the false U.S. report: confusing right and ignoring China’s great achievements in fulfilling its commitments to join the WTO. In the past year, China has played a positive and constructive role by becoming the first major developing country to complete the ratification of the Fisheries Subsidies Agreement. We will expand high-level institutional openness, fully and deeply participate in WTO reform, and actively help other developing members, especially the least developed countries, integrate into the multilateral trading system.

  China News Service, February 26. According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the head of the World Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce responded to reporters' questions on the 26th regarding the release of the "Report on China's Fulfillment of its WTO Accession Commitments in 2023" by the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

  Question: Recently, the Office of the United States Trade Representative released the "2023 Report on China's Fulfillment of its WTO Accession Commitments", which denies China's achievements in fulfilling its WTO commitments and accuses China's economic and trade system and policies of posing huge challenges to global trade.

What is the Ministry of Commerce’s comment on this?

  A: China has noted the false accusations in this report.

The United States ignores China's great achievements in fulfilling its WTO commitments, distorts China's remarkable achievements in building a socialist market economy and reform and opening up, denies China's important contributions to the multilateral trading system and world economic development, and uses arbitrary standards without basis. Accusing China's economic and trade policies, falsely calling China's legitimate trade measures "economic coercion", confusing right and wrong, labeling China's response to the US blockade and suppression as "active decoupling", and falsely claiming that China has caused "overcapacity", which fully reflects unilateralism and bullying behavior of the United States.

China firmly opposes this.

  The Ministry of Commerce stated that since joining the WTO, China, as the largest developing member, has always firmly supported the multilateral trading system, practiced true multilateralism, earnestly fulfilled its WTO commitments, and continuously improved the socialist market economic system and legal system based on its national conditions. We will expand high-level institutional openness, fully and deeply participate in WTO reform, and actively help other developing members, especially the least developed countries, integrate into the multilateral trading system.

In the past year, China has played a positive and constructive role by becoming the first major developing country to complete the ratification of the Fisheries Subsidies Agreement, leading the completion of text negotiations on the Investment Facilitation Agreement, and promoting the WTO to substantially conclude negotiations on some global digital trade rules. It has been highly appreciated by all parties, and its contribution to the WTO and global economic and trade development is obvious to all.

  In recent years, the United States has used "America First" as its starting point, violated WTO rules, implemented unilateral trade bullying, formulated discriminatory industrial policies, disrupted global industrial and supply chains, seriously affected the international trade order, and harmed the common interests of WTO members. China and other members have expressed concerns on many occasions.

When the WTO dispute settlement body has ruled that relevant US measures violate WTO rules, the United States not only refuses to implement the WTO ruling, but also "paralyzes" the WTO's appellate body, causing serious damage to the multilateral trading system.

The U.S. does not reflect on and correct its own behavior, but instead uses smear and blame-shifting methods to cover up its violations and sabotage. This is extremely irresponsible.

The Ministry of Commerce once again calls on the United States to promptly correct its wrong words and deeds, earnestly abide by WTO rules and its own commitments, and work with other members, including China, to jointly safeguard the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core and based on rules, and effectively respond to global challenges. Problems and challenges play their part.