Teller Report

The EP called for “taking control” of the transit of Russian grain through the European Union

2/26/2024, 4:52:34 PM

Highlights: Member of the European Parliament from Lithuania Bronis Rope sent a letter to the European Commission in which he expressed the opinion that the transit of Russian grain through the EU strengthens the Russian economy. Rope suggested that grain prices in Lithuania have decreased due to Russian products. According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the grain harvest in 2023 amounted to 147 million tons - this volume became the second largest in the history of the country. Last year, Russia entered the top five largest grain suppliers to the EU: the EU increased purchases tenfold.

Member of the European Parliament from Lithuania Bronis Rope sent a letter to the European Commission in which he expressed the opinion that the transit of Russian grain through the EU strengthens the Russian economy. In this regard, transportation should be “taken under control,” he believes. RT read the text of the appeal.

In his letter, Rope noted that large volumes of Russian grain enter the European Union through Latvia and Lithuania.

At the same time, part of the products, as the deputy is convinced, is allegedly taken from “occupied Ukrainian territory.”

According to the parliamentarian, if the situation is not brought under control, grain transit through the EU will strengthen the Russian economy and help it in the conflict with Ukraine.

“Is the European Commission aware of this problem and, if so, what measures is it going to take to solve these problems, restore balance in the grain markets and stop supporting the Russian economy?”

- asked Rope. 

The parliamentarian also said that Russian grain could be mixed with Lithuanian grain, “known for its high quality.”

In his opinion, this will harm the reputation of Lithuanian grain producers.

In addition, Rope suggested that grain prices in Lithuania have decreased due to Russian products. 

Last year, Russia entered the top five largest grain suppliers to the European Union: the EU increased purchases tenfold over the year. 

According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the grain harvest in 2023 amounted to 147 million tons - this volume became the second largest in the history of the country.