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The Academy of Social Sciences releases the 2023 Internet Article Report: Chinese IP gradually enters global perspective

2/26/2024, 2:43:55 PM

Highlights: The Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the "2023 China Online Literature Development Research Report" in Beijing. The report focuses on value positioning, Content themes, creative ecology, IP industry, and online literature going overseas. Chinese online literature, as a vivid practice of mass participation, global co-creation, and highlighting the originality of Chinese culture, continues to extend the radius of communication and has become a good example of China. In 2023, online literature authors will more prominently integrate China's excellent traditional culture into diverse themes such as history, reality, and science fiction.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 26 (Reporter Gao Kai) On February 26, the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the "2023 China Online Literature Development Research Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") in Beijing. The report focuses on value positioning, Content themes, creative ecology, IP industry, and online literature going overseas show the latest development trend of China's online literature industry, and analyze the three core trends in the development of the online literature industry in 2023, including high-quality products, accelerated IP conversion, and deepening globalization.

The "2023 China Online Literature Development Research Report" was released.

Photo courtesy of publisher

  The report points out that China’s online literature industry will continue to grow in 2023.

Actively promoted by the three core trends of high-quality products, accelerated IP conversion, and deepening globalization, Chinese online literature, as a vivid practice of mass participation, global co-creation, and highlighting the originality of Chinese culture, continues to extend the radius of communication and has become a good example of China. Stories and vivid cultural business cards that spread the voice of China.

  Data cited in the report show that as of the end of 2023, China’s online literature reading market reached 40.43 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%. The online literature IP market size jumped significantly to 260.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of nearly 10 billion yuan. The online literature industry ushered in 300 billion yuan. Meta market.

The number of online literature authors in China reached 24.05 million, the number of online literature works reached 36.2 million, and the number of online literature users reached 537 million, a year-on-year increase of 9%.

  In 2023, online literature authors will more prominently integrate China's excellent traditional culture into diverse themes such as history, reality, and science fiction, and "national trend" writing will become an annual trend.

In 2023, the first "Reading and Seeing Intangible Cultural Heritage" essay contest hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Prince Kung's Mansion Museum and China Literature Group received a total of 60,000 works on intangible cultural heritage, involving 127 works on Peking Opera, wood carving, papermaking techniques, lion dance, etc. An intangible cultural heritage project.

  "The deepening globalization of online literature" has become another eye-catching feature of the development of online literature in 2023.

The report pointed out that with the substantial increase in the overseas radiation and influence of Chinese online articles, online articles, games, and film and television have become the troika of "cultural exports".

Data show that the size of the overseas online writing market exceeds 4 billion yuan, with approximately 410,000 overseas online writers, approximately 620,000 overseas original works, and approximately 230 million overseas visiting users.

With the support of favorable factors such as one-click AI translation and mutual empowerment of overseas IP products, Chinese IP has gradually entered the global horizon. For example, the second season of the film and television drama "Celebrating More Than Years" became the first domestic drama on the entire network to have over 10 million reservations. The exclusive distribution rights have been pre-purchased by Disney; the film and television drama "Tian Geng Ji" has topped the iQiyi Thailand station and Japan station; China Literature's first independent overseas release of IP-adapted game products "Fights: Raging Clouds" is in Malaysia , Indonesia and Thailand are online, etc.

  The report analyzes the structural changes in online literature based on the supply side.

In terms of writers, the "post-00s" generation has become a new boost, and the "post-95s" and "post-00s" are leading the innovation of online writing.

  The report further summarizes the three major driving forces for the online literary IP market to grow by nearly 10 billion in 2023: IP pre-development models are gradually maturing; film, television, animation, micro-short dramas and other tracks have created important increments; AI technology assists online literary IP Ecological acceleration, etc.

The report focuses on the multi-faceted impact of AI technology on the online literature industry and believes that AI is setting off a large-scale and far-reaching change in content production methods.

  The report specifically points out that as my country vigorously promotes ecological co-governance of copyright protection, policies and regulations, industry self-discipline, readers and authors, and other parties are working together to accelerate the process of legalization of online literature, forming a key guarantee for the dissemination of online literature at home and abroad, and boosting the development of online literature. Healthy and sustainable development.

  Experts and scholars from research institutions and universities such as the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the National Library of China, the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Nankai University, and Beijing Normal University, as well as representatives of the online literature industry and writers attended the meeting , conducted in-depth discussions around the high-quality development of online literature.

The conference was hosted by the Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
