Teller Report

Provident fund loan policies have been optimized in many places, with the down payment ratio for first home loans as low as 20%

2/26/2024, 2:13:32 AM

Highlights: Provident fund loan policies have been optimized in many places, with the down payment ratio for first home loans as low as 20%. News came from many places about optimizing provident fund Loan policies to meet residents' reasonable housing consumption needs and boost market confidence. Shenyang City recently announced it will optimize the housing provident Fund withdrawal and relax the loan period for second-hand loans. The intensity and pace of Provident Fund Loan policy regulation in various regions mainly depend on the performance of the local real estate market and use of provident funds.

  Our reporter Liu Qi

  After the long Spring Festival holiday, news came from many places about optimizing provident fund loan policies to meet residents' reasonable housing consumption needs and boost market confidence.

  On February 21, the Jinan Housing Provident Fund Center issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Minimum Down Payment Proportion of Housing Provident Fund Loans". If you apply for a housing provident fund loan to purchase the first ordinary self-occupied house within the administrative region of Jinan City, the minimum down payment proportion will be adjusted to no. Less than 20%; if you apply for a housing provident fund loan to purchase a second ordinary self-occupied house, the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted to no less than 30%.

  On February 19, the Hainan Provincial Housing Provident Fund Administration issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Minimum Down Payment Ratio for the First Personal Housing Loan of the Housing Provident Fund."

It is clarified that for the depositor family (including the borrower applicant, spouse and minor children) to purchase a new self-occupied house, which is the first housing provident fund personal housing loan, the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted from 25% to 20%.

The minimum down payment ratio for housing provident fund loans for purchasing a second home in a newly built self-occupied house is 30%, which remains unchanged.

  On February 18, the Tianjin Housing Provident Fund Management Center issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Down Payment Ratio of Individual Housing Provident Fund Loans (Draft for Comment)", which mentioned that it is planned to increase the down payment ratio of the city's first housing provident fund loan from 30% It was lowered to 20%, and the minimum down payment ratio for second housing provident fund loans was lowered from 40% to 30%.

  Zhang Wenjing, general manager of Shanghai Data at the China Index Research Institute, told a reporter from Securities Daily that optimizing the provident fund loan policy is one of the main means for various regions to support the development of the real estate market and promote the release of demand in the past two years.

The intensity and pace of provident fund loan policy regulation in various regions mainly depend on the performance of the local real estate market and the use of provident funds.

  It is not difficult to find that the above three places have all chosen to lower the down payment ratio of provident fund loans for first homes to 20%.

  "From the current point of view, many places have lowered the down payment ratio of provident fund loans based on the actual local conditions, and the threshold for residents to purchase houses has been significantly lowered. This mainly reflects the increased support for the real estate market in various localities according to city policies, boosting the confidence of the real estate market, and supporting residents' rigid needs and improvement projects. demand, and promote the accelerated recovery of the property market." Zhou Maohua, a macro researcher at the Financial Market Department of China Everbright Bank, told a reporter from Securities Daily.

  In an interview with a reporter from Securities Daily, Yan Yuejin, the research director of E-House Research Institute, believed that the adjustment of the down payment ratio of provident fund loans in many places reflects the orientation of home purchase policies on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is more coordinated with the loan policies of commercial banks.

  According to the "Notice on Adjusting and Optimizing Differentiated Housing Credit Policies" issued by the People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Central Bank") and the State Financial Supervision Administration in August last year, for households purchasing commercial housing with loans, the first commercial housing for individuals The minimum down payment ratio for housing loans is uniformly no less than 20%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for second homes is no less than 30%.

  In addition to reducing the down payment ratio, many regions have also launched various forms of provident fund loan optimization policies.

For example, Shenyang City recently announced that it will optimize the housing provident fund withdrawal and relax the loan period policy for second-hand housing provident fund.

The "Notice on Optimizing and Adjusting Housing Provident Fund Usage Policies" issued by the Hunan Province Yiyang City Housing Provident Fund Management Center on February 21 proposed to adjust the identification standards for the number of housing provident fund loans. The number of borrowers' home loans will only be calculated for the borrower and his spouse's housing nationwide. Provident fund loan records do not include personal housing loan records from commercial banks; the maximum housing provident fund loan limit is increased to 450,000 yuan, and the building area of ​​units providing housing provident fund loans is increased to less than 200 square meters, etc.

  It is worth mentioning that mortgage interest rates have also been adjusted recently.

The latest LPR (loan market quotation rate) announced by the central bank a few days ago showed that the one-year term remained unchanged at 3.45%, and the LPR over five years fell from 4.2% to 3.95%, a decrease of 25 basis points.

  "The LPR of 5 years and above has been lowered by 25 basis points more than expected, which is generally good for the real estate market, helping to reduce the cost of first-time and just-need home purchase loans, and boosting the demand for the real estate market." Zhou Maohua said that the recent increase in policies to stabilize the real estate market will help to increase the demand for real estate. Boost market confidence in the recovery of the property market.

(Securities Daily)