Teller Report

Mauritius: Cruise ship “Norwegian Dawn” with 2,000 guests is not allowed to dock due to suspected cholera

2/26/2024, 11:42:46 AM

Highlights: Mauritius: Cruise ship “Norwegian Dawn” with 2,000 guests is not allowed to dock due to suspected cholera. At least 14 passengers and one crew member are said to be suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. The results of the investigation are expected on Tuesday. Southern Africa is currently experiencing one of the worst chol Vera outbreaks in years. The shipping company offers hotlines for its guests to clarify questions about rebooking the further journey home. The guests stranded in Mauritius should receive free hotel stays.

A good 2,000 passengers and 1,000 crew members are stuck on a cruise ship off Mauritius. Authorities suspect cases of cholera on board and testing is ongoing.

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Cholera suspected on the “Norwegian Dawn”: Southern Africa is currently experiencing one of the worst cholera outbreaks in years

Photo: GARY CAMERON/ Reuters

The French island of La Réunion has already turned away the "Norwegian Dawn", but now the authorities in Mauritius are not allowing the cruise ship to dock: More than 3,000 people - a good 2,000 passengers and 1,000 crew members - are on the ship because of suspicion of a possible cholera outbreak in front of the capital Port Louis in East Africa.

According to information from authorities, at least 14 passengers and one crew member are said to be suffering from diarrhea and vomiting.

They are isolated in their rooms.

Health Ministry employees took samples from around 15 people on board on Sunday morning.

The results of the investigation are expected on Tuesday.

Southern Africa is currently experiencing one of the worst cholera outbreaks in years.

The US shipping company Norwegian Cruise Line announced that a small number of guests on the “Norwegian Dawn” experienced mild symptoms of stomach illness on the twelve-day voyage from South Africa.

"Due to additional testing required by local authorities prior to entry, the Government of Mauritius has postponed disembarkation for the current cruise and embarkation for the next cruise by two days to February 27, 2024."

A majority of the 2,184 passengers were actually supposed to start their journey home on Sunday.

At the same time, 2,279 new travelers were originally supposed to board the ship in Port Louis, the port authority said.

There are also 1,026 crew members on the ship.

Authorities in La Réunion wanted to test, but the shipping company continued

In a letter dated Sunday and available to the German Press Agency, the captain informed the passengers that they would not initially leave the ship in Port Louis.

The shipping company offers hotlines for its guests to clarify questions about rebooking the further journey home.

The guests stranded in Mauritius should receive free hotel stays.

The shipping company also announced that the hygiene measures on board have been increased and all necessary measures are being taken to protect the guests, the crew and the travel destinations.

According to the shipping company, the “Norwegian Dawn,” which was built in 2002 at the German Meyer shipyard in Papenburg, Lower Saxony, has space for up to 2,340 guests and 1,032 crew members on board.

She left South Africa on February 13th for her journey via Madagascar to Reunion Island and Mauritius.

The “Norwegian Dawn” was then supposed to return to South Africa with the new passengers.

On Friday, the authorities on the French island of La Réunion refused to allow the ship to enter the port due to the gastrointestinal illnesses.

Both the French government and the island's regional health authority considered the health situation on board the ship to be unsatisfactory.

The authorities suggested sending doctors on board and carrying out tests.

The shipping company then decided to cancel the stopover, which was only planned for a few hours, and continue directly to Mauritius, the island's prefecture explained.

The port authority in Mauritius confirmed that the “Norwegian Dawn” reached Mauritius on Saturday evening around 6 p.m. due to the missed stop.

Passengers complain about communication on board

Passengers on the cruise ship reacted differently to the situation.

"It's all normal and we're having fun," a Mauritian guest told dpa, but criticized the lack of communication on board and from the tour operator.

A couple from the island of La Réunion who boarded the ship in Cape Town also complained about the communication.

»As soon as we left Cape Town, they knew there was a problem.

The buffet was gone.

We were served with gloves.

There were rumors about gastroenteritis," the husband told dpa.

“We wanted to get out in La Réunion on Saturday,” he continues.

»In the morning we were told that the ship would go to Mauritius instead.

We were a little worried.

Finally we thought we would get off in Mauritius and fly back to Reunion Island.

Then we suddenly found out that the health authorities were coming on board.

It wasn’t until very late that they mentioned the suspicion of a cholera outbreak.”

Cholera is caused by a bacterium that produces a poison in the intestines.

It is spread primarily through contaminated drinking water and contaminated food.

Many infections have no symptoms, but in severe cases the severe loss of fluid and salt can lead to circulatory collapse, muscle cramps and even shock and death within hours.

Southern Africa has been experiencing one of the worst cholera outbreaks in years for months.

By mid-January, around 200,000 cases of illness and more than 3,000 deaths had been reported in the 13 affected countries.

Mauritius was on high alert as cases had emerged in the Comoros.
