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Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei coordinate the development of domestic operating systems to help the digital economy develop

2/26/2024, 7:43:09 AM

Highlights: Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei coordinate the development of domestic operating systems to help the digital economy develop. 2024 marks the tenth anniversary of the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy. The operating income of the high-tech service industry in the three places continues to grow, with an average increase of more than 20% compared with 2019. The R&D investment intensity of the three place in 2022 will be 4.28%, an increase of 0.85 percentage points from 2013.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 26 (Yin Qianyun) 2024 marks the tenth anniversary of the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy.

With the further advancement of this strategy, the emerging economies of the three places have developed rapidly, the added value of the digital economy has continued to rise, and the collaborative innovation drive has continued to develop.

  Data show that the operating income of the high-tech service industry in the three places continues to grow, with an average increase of more than 20% compared with 2019.

The R&D investment intensity of the three places in 2022 will be 4.28%, an increase of 0.85 percentage points from 2013, and continues to be higher than the national level.

  Over the past ten years, Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei have been linked and developed in a coordinated manner. Key areas and key links such as infrastructure and scientific innovation have been advanced in an orderly and in-depth manner. Behind this, domestic operating systems provide assistance.

  Transportation integration speeds up

  Coordinated development, transportation first.

With the completion and opening of rail transit lines at the end of 2023, a number of high-speed railways and intercity trains, including the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway and the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway, have been shuttled between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The total operating mileage of railways in the three places exceeds 10,000 kilometers.

  People who work in Beijing and make their homes in Tianjin, Baoding, Langfang and other cities surrounding Beijing have truly felt the convenience that the expansion and speed of high-speed rail and intercity trains have brought to their work and life.

  From railways, civil aviation, expressways to rail transit, in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation circle, domestic operating systems serve a variety of needs in travel, transportation and other scenarios.

For example, in many application fields such as rail transit in my country, domestic operating systems such as Galaxy Kirin have been deployed and applied, which can simultaneously provide information support for key core railway systems such as automatic train monitoring and rail transit signal control.

  The newly opened eastern section of the first phase of Tianjin Metro Line 11 is the 10th subway line opened in Tianjin. It is also a key project to implement the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration" strategy and create a "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on Track".

The AGM automatic ticket machines, iBOM self-service ticketing terminals, TVM automatic ticket vending machines, and BOM semi-automatic ticket vending machines in the 11 stations initially opened for Tianjin Metro Line 11 all use domestic embedded operating systems and nationally produced chemical industrial computer products.

  Create smart government affairs

  "You only need to enter one door to do hundreds of things." The accelerated advancement of smart government affairs has also made people in the three places more and more "silky" in handling business.

  As the largest government cloud project in Hebei Province, the Xiongan Urban Computing (Supercomputing Cloud) Center is an important support for the construction of "Smart Xiongan" and is also the "brain", "eye" and "core" of the digital twin city of Xiongan New District. , is an important carrier of the digital twin city operation service system in the new district. The edge computing, super computing, and cloud computing facilities it carries will provide networks, Computing and storage services.

  Xiongan Urban Computing (Supercomputing Cloud) Center uses servers with three technical routes to provide computing power, and its computing capabilities are uniformly managed by an autonomous cloud.

Among them, Kirin server operating system supports more than 90% of the above-mentioned server platforms.

  This is just a microcosm of smart government affairs and digital construction in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

In the field of government affairs, the construction of government affairs clouds in Beijing Haidian District Government Cloud, Xiongan Cloud, Hebei Mobile Cloud, Shijiazhuang, Langfang, Cangzhou, Baoding and other places also have the support of domestic operating systems.

  Revitalize talent development

  Over the past ten years, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have also broken the stereotype of “one acre is three parts of the land” and created an integrated regional talent community.

  At present, the three places have established supporting adaptation centers for nationally produced software and hardware environments, providing one-stop internship and training solutions for innovative talents to colleges and universities, forming a practical case for the "industry-education integration training base" in colleges and universities, and creating A new model of "introducing students into schools and integrating industry and education" in the field of information and innovation.

  In addition, Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Tianjin University and Kirin Software have jointly established a national-level characteristic demonstration software college. Tianjin University, Tianjin Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College have also jointly established Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone Xinchuang Industry and Education with Kirin Software. consortium, and was selected into the first batch of municipal industry-education consortiums announced by the Ministry of Education.

  The “Tianjin Model” of education innovation jointly created by the upstream and downstream of domestic software and hardware has also initially formed a number of results, including the Xinchuang Information Technology Classroom and the Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Classroom built with domestic Feiteng CPU + Kirin OS as the computing power base. The pilot schools have achieved normalized teaching; relevant teaching and curriculum system research and development projects have been established under the open source ecosystem to improve traditional teaching methods and strengthen the construction of innovative teachers.

  In 2024, the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei will enter a new stage of comprehensive deepening and expansion. Basic software represented by domestic operating systems will provide information support for the three places to form a closer integrated pattern and help the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei reach a new level. .
