Teller Report

63 roads affected by snow, with traffic cuts in Navarra, Castilla y León, Asturias and Cantabria

2/26/2024, 7:13:34 PM

Highlights: 63 roads affected by snow, with traffic cuts in Navarra, Castilla y León, Asturias and Cantabria. The NA-137 Burgui-Isaba-Francia highway is closed to traffic in the port of Belagua, from kilometer 47, Venta de San Pito, due to snow on the road. The only highway or highway affected is the A-1, on which trucks and articulated vehicles are prohibited from passing through Somosierra and Santo Tomé del Puerto (Segovia)

The NA-137 Burgui-Isaba-Francia highway is closed to traffic in the port of Belagua, from kilometer 47, Venta de San Pito, due to snow on the road.

EFE Madrid


Updated Monday, February 26, 2024-20:02


NA-137 Burgui-Isaba-Francia

highway is closed to traffic in the port of Belagua, from kilometer 47, Venta de San Pito, due to snow on the road.

At the national level, at least

63 roads are affected by snow

this Monday afternoon and trucks are prohibited from passing in Burgos and at two points on the A-1 highway in Madrid and Segovia, the General Directorate of Traffic has reported ( DGT).

The affected roads are found especially in communities in northern Spain such as

Castilla y León, Asturias and Cantabria

, where there are several roads closed to traffic, but also in southern areas such as Granada.

The only highway or highway affected is the A-1, on which trucks and articulated vehicles are prohibited from passing through

Somosierra (Madrid) and Santo Tomé del Puerto (Segovia).

They also cannot travel on the A-73 as it passes through the Burgos town of Valle de Valdelucio.

The roads in

black level, that is, impassable or closed,

are the CO-4 in Cangas de Onís, N-630 in Pajares and the AS-348 in Centenales, (Asturias);

the CA-183 in Brañavieja and the CA-643 in San Roque (Cantabria);

the DSA-191 in Candelario (Salamanca);

and ZA-103 in Galende (Zamora).

In the same state there are also BU-572 in

Lunada (Burgos);

the LE-331 in Puebla de Lillo and the N-630 in Villamanín (León);

and the A-395 in Monachil and the A-4025 in Güejar Sierra (Granada).

Likewise, the use of chains is required on the A-4030 in

Güejar Sierra (Granada),

the A-1205 in the area of

​​Jaca (Huesca)

, the C-38 and the GIV-5223 in Camprodon (Girona), the AV -932 in Santiago de Collado (Ávila) and the M601 in Navacerrada and the M-604 in Cotos (both in Madrid).


green level

, that is, passable with caution, the AP-66 in Valverde de la Virgen (León) and Lena (Asturias), the A-6 in the Leonese town of Vega de Valcarce and the A-67 in Valdeprado del River (Cantabria).

AP-66 reopened to trucks

The Huerna highway (AP-66), between Asturias and León, has reopened to truck circulation, while the

Puerto de Pajares (N-630)

, the other main road that connects the Principality with the Meseta, remains closed to the heavy vehicle traffic.

As reported on its website by the highway concessionaire, Aucalsa, passenger cars have a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour, while trucks have to drive on the right and are prohibited from overtaking maneuvers.

The highway that connects Asturias and León had closed truck traffic after 10:00 a.m., which had left around 300 heavy vehicles trapped.