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The roots of hatred.. Why does Israel want to erase Gaza? Why did it elude her over time?

2/25/2024, 11:42:36 AM

Highlights: The roots of hatred.. Why does Israel want to erase Gaza? Why did it elude her over time?. Why this hidden Israeli hatred against the Gaza Strip and its residents? This is what the following video from Maidan answers us. Maidan's video reveals to us how the Palestinian resistance grew, flourished, and developed its arsenal of weapons under the control of the occupation. The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation is only an episode within the episodes of the epic and heroic history of the struggle of Gaza and its people.

Why this hidden Israeli hatred against the Gaza Strip and its residents? This is what the following video from Maidan answers, which takes us on a quick tour of the modern history of the Gaza Strip since the Zionists set foot on the land of Palestine.

(Al Jazeera)

With nearly 5 months having passed since the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, during which nearly 30,000 Palestinian martyrs have fallen so far according to official statistics, the question is renewed about the secret of the brutality with which the Israeli occupation state deals with the Gaza Strip and its residents, and it seems that it does not merely want In achieving a military victory - which is still far from it - against the Palestinian resistance, as much as it desires to annihilate this small spot of land, with its landmarks, homes, and people.

Why this hidden Israeli hatred against the Gaza Strip and its residents?

This is what the following video from Meydan answers us, which takes us on a quick tour of the modern history of the Gaza Strip since the Zionists set foot on the land of Palestine. We discover that the dilemma of the Israeli occupation with Gaza in particular dates back to the era immediately after the Nakba, when the area of ​​the Strip shrank after the defeat of the Arab armies in 1948. To about 1.3% of the area of ​​historical Palestine.

However, this very narrow spot was destined to host more than 200,000 Nakba refugees, more than twice the number of its original population, to become fed up with its residents and begin early attempts to resettle them, and with it begin the seeds of a burning resistance that has not been extinguished to this day.

Watch the video

Shortly after the July 1952 revolution in Egypt (as Gaza was subject to Egyptian administration after the Nakba), the new regime opened up to a project proposed by UNRWA, in which Egypt offered about 50,000 acres in northwest Sinai to the agency to resettle 12,000 families. This was met with categorical Palestinian rejection and pressure. On Egypt, which shifted its position towards supporting the seeds of armed Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip, which reached its peak in 1955 and 1965, when Israel responded with a military operation known as “Black Arrow,” during which it killed 38 Egyptian soldiers on the border, before participating in a broad military operation to control Sinai and the Suez Canal. In the company of Britain and France, as part of what was historically known as the tripartite aggression.

After the failure of the aggression, Israel was forced to withdraw from the Gaza Strip under international pressure, but the dream of controlling it did not leave it. It resumed its aggression and control over it again during the 1967 war, a control that lasted until 2005, when the occupation was forced to unilaterally withdraw from the Gaza Strip during the reign of Ariel Sharon. After the resistance turned it into hell for the occupation soldiers and settlers.

Maidan's video reveals to us how the Palestinian resistance grew, flourished, and developed its arsenal of weapons under the control of the occupation, and after its departure, to continue since then its bloody wars aimed at subjugating Gaza and its population and eliminating its resisters. The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation is only an episode within the episodes of the epic and heroic history of the struggle of Gaza and its people. In contrast, the current war remains one of the most brutal manifestations of Israeli brutality that has continued since the Nakba until today.

Source: Al Jazeera