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The Australian Hainan Federation of Associations held activities to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Sydney - China News Service Video

2/25/2024, 10:12:35 PM

Highlights: The Australian Hainan Federation of Associations held activities to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Sydney - China News Service Video. The event attracted Chinese and Australian guests including Ren Shuangjie, Consul of the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney, Kang Baiying, Executive Vice President of the Hainsan Overseas Friendship Association, and more than 400 people from the local overseas Chinese community and business community. Mr. Wu Changmao, Chairman of the Australian Chinese Organizations Association, delivered a passionate speech at the event.

The Australian Hainan Association held an event to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Sydney

  In order to celebrate the Lantern Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, the Australian Hainan Association held a celebration event in Sydney on the evening of February 24th for the 67th anniversary of the establishment of the Hainan Association of New South Wales and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Australian Hainan General Chamber of Commerce.

  The event attracted Chinese and Australian guests including Ren Shuangjie, Consul of the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney, Kang Baiying, Executive Vice President of the Hainan Overseas Friendship Association, and more than 400 people from the local overseas Chinese community, business community, and Hainanese overseas Chinese in Australia.

  Mr. Wu Changmao, Chairman of the Australian Chinese Organizations Association and Chairman of the Hainan Federation of Community Organizations, delivered a passionate speech at the event, detailing the development history of the Hainanese Community in Australia over the past 67 years.

He advocated that the overseas Chinese community continue to make positive contributions to promoting the friendship and unity of the Chinese community, the friendship between the people of Australia and China, and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture in Australia's multicultural society, and to Australia's economic construction and development. At the same time, he actively supports China's economic development and Hainan The construction of a free trade port.

  In his speech, Consul Ren Shuangjie highly praised the overseas Chinese in Hainan in Australia for their spirit of caring about their country and their country, uniting and forging ahead. They have written stories of starting from scratch and working hard overseas, and have made outstanding achievements in many fields and won wide acclaim. and respect. What is even more valuable is that everyone always has their hometown in mind, devoted their efforts to the construction of their hometown, and made important contributions.

  Kang Baiying said in his speech that over the years, under the leadership of the Australian Hainan Association, the Australian New South Wales Hainan Association and other hometown associations, and the Australian Hainan General Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce have closely united the vast number of overseas Hainanese folks to harmonize their hometown. Serving the overseas Chinese has played an important role in supporting and guiding the overseas Chinese to integrate into the local society and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with their hometown of Hainan in economy, education, culture and other aspects.

The holding of this celebration is of great significance for further uniting the Qiong native villagers at a new starting point, building a communication platform, and assisting the construction of our hometown.

She extended holiday greetings to overseas Chinese in Australia and thanked the overseas Chinese community in Hainan in Australia for their selfless contributions to their hometown in Hainan over the years.

  At the party, a promotional video of the Hainan Free Trade Port was played, introducing the latest policies, and a song and dance performance with Hainan regional characteristics, as well as singing, violin and other programs were held. The atmosphere of the event was warm and festive.

(Reporter Gu Shihong produced by Liu Peng)

Editor in charge: [Song Fangcan]