Teller Report

Sports climbing speed Jun Yasukawa wins consecutive Japan Cup

2/25/2024, 11:42:14 AM

Highlights: Sports climbing speed Jun Yasukawa wins consecutive Japan Cup. In the women's category, 18-year-old Ai Takeuchi won for the first time. Sport climbing is an event in which people compete to see how fast they can climb a 15-meter-high wall with a common route set around the world. At the Tokyo Olympics, it was held as one of the "combined" events, but at the Paris Games, it will be carried out as a stand-alone event.

[NHK] The Japan Cup, a sport climbing competition to see who is the fastest in climbing a 15-meter wall, was held in Saga Prefecture, and the men...

The Japan Cup, a sport climbing competition to see who is the fastest in climbing a 15-meter-high wall, was held in Saga Prefecture, and in the men's category, 20-year-old Jun Yasukawa, who is aiming to participate in the Paris Olympics, won the tournament for the second time in a row. In the women's category, 18-year-old Ai Takeuchi won for the first time.

Sport climbing is an event in which people compete to see how fast they can climb a 15-meter-high wall with a common route set around the world.At the Tokyo Olympics, it was held as one of the "combined" events, but at the Paris Games, it was a stand-alone event. will be carried out as.

The Japan Cup to determine the best in Japan was held on the 25th in Taku City, Saga Prefecture, and among the men's players, Yasukawa, a university student who won this tournament last year, played the first round of the final tournament with a good time of 5 seconds 34. I won.

After this, Yasukawa continued to win with times in the mid-5 second range, and in the final he climbed with a sense of stability and won with a time of 5.53 seconds, winning the tournament for the second time in a row.

On the other hand, 21-year-old Ryo Omasa, who holds the Japanese record of 5.07 seconds, passed the qualifying rounds with the fastest time, but was eliminated in the first round of the finals when he failed to hold his hold and fell.

Yasukawa and Taimasa will aim to qualify for the Paris Olympics in the Urban Sports qualifying series that will be held in May and June this year.

Two consecutive champions, Jun Yasukawa, ``Win the right to participate in the Olympics''

Jun Yasukawa, who achieved his second consecutive victory, said, ``Since the consecutive victory was at stake, I went in with high spirits.In the final tournament, I was conscious of winning and fought in a way that would absolutely win.I was able to show the results of my training. I felt satisfied,'' he said.

In preparation for participating in the Paris Olympics, he introduced a new type of physical training, saying, ``I'm satisfied with the results, but I don't think I'll be able to qualify for the Olympics with this time.First, I'll start with the qualifying series, then prepare for the Olympics. All I'm thinking about is winning the right to participate in the tournament.''

In the women's race, 18-year-old Ai Takeuchi wins for the first time.

In the women's race, Takeuchi, who is scheduled to participate in the Olympic qualifying series, achieved her first victory with a time of 7.87 seconds in the final.

Ai Takeuchi “I want to improve my best time”

Ai Takeuchi, who won her first championship, placed 9th in both the boulder and lead races at this year's Japan Cup, and said, ``I was able to make powerful movements with the power I had honed through boulder and lead practice.I want to win when I compete.'' I'm happy because that's what I thought."

She also said that in preparation for the qualifying series, which will give her the right to participate in the Paris Olympics, she said, ``I want to practice hard and improve my best time so that she can earn the right to participate.'' We were talking.