Teller Report

House of Representatives Political Ethics Committee to be held open to the public by Liberal Democratic Party

2/25/2024, 9:42:27 PM

Highlights: House of Representatives Political Ethics Review Committee to be held open to the public by Liberal Democratic Party. Opposition party is calling for the meeting to be made public, saying it is a forum for explanations. The House of Representatives Budget Committee will hold intensive discussions on responses to the Noto Peninsula earthquake and political funds on the 26th. The ruling party hopes to have the bill passed by the end of this week, by voting in committees and plenary sessions, and ensuring its enactment by the ends of the fiscal year.

[NHK] Regarding the House of Representatives Political Ethics Review Committee, which is expected to be held this week in response to the issue surrounding the political funding party of a faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, the opposition party said, ``We are asking the people...

The opposition party is calling for the House of Representatives' Political Ethics Review Committee, which is expected to be held this week, to be made public, saying it is a forum for explanations to the public in response to issues surrounding political funding parties organized by factions of the Liberal Democratic Party.

There is a proposal within the Liberal Democratic Party to allow members to attend the hearing, and adjustments are expected to be made.

The House of Representatives Political Ethics Review Committee is expected to be held on the 28th and the following day, the 29th, with five members, including former Liberal Democratic Party Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno, in attendance, and a formal decision is expected to be made at the secretariat meeting on the 26th.

So far, the five members have requested that the meeting be held behind closed doors as in principle, but the opposition parties are holding the meeting publicly, saying, ``This is an opportunity to explain to the people, and we cannot allow it to be held behind closed doors.'' I'm asking you to.

Within the Liberal Democratic Party, a proposal has been floated to allow members to observe the hearing, taking into account that out of the past nine examination committee meetings, only one, in 1996, was closed to the public. , it is likely that adjustments will be made, including the wishes of the person himself/herself.

A meeting of the secretaries of the review board will also be held at the House of Councilors on the 26th, and opinions will be exchanged regarding future responses.

House of Representatives Budget Committee to focus on deliberations on Noto Peninsula earthquake response and political funding

Meanwhile, on the 26th, the House of Representatives Budget Committee, which is deliberating the new budget bill, will hold intensive discussions on topics such as responses to the Noto Peninsula earthquake and political funds.

The ruling party hopes to have the bill passed by the House of Representatives by the end of this week, by voting in committees and plenary sessions, and ensuring its enactment by the end of the fiscal year.

On the other hand, the opposition party plans to judge how to respond to the vote by looking at the government's response at the committee meeting and the content of the five people's explanations at the Political Ethics Committee.