Teller Report

Fungal infection in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

2/25/2024, 4:52:32 PM

Highlights: Fungal infection is one of the health problems that may affect women. Causes include excessive use of antibiotics, weak immunity and advanced age. Symptoms include lower abdominal pain, itching, and burning in the intimate area. To prevent fungal infections in women, Dr. Cornelia Huseman recommended wearing underpants that have good ventilation, for example pants made of cotton or silk. The microbiome (bacteria that live in the intestinal tract) in the intestine also plays an important role in preventing fungal infection.

Fungal infection is one of the health problems that may affect women, and is due to several reasons. What are the most prominent? What are the complications if not treated? What are the treatments?

Fungal infection in women is due to several reasons (agencies)

Fungal infection is one of the health problems that may affect women, and is due to several reasons. What are the most prominent?

What are the complications if not treated?

What are the treatments?

Causes of fungal infections in women

German Professor Werner Mendling attributed fungal infection in women to several reasons, most notably excessive use of antibiotics, as antibiotics cause the elimination of lactic acid bacteria, which protect the vagina from pathogens, and thus the vagina represents a fertile environment for the proliferation of fungi. Yeast causing fungal infections.

The German gynecologist added that the causes of fungal infections in women also include weak immunity, in addition to the genetic factor and advanced age.

Symptoms of fungal infection in women

Symptoms of fungal infection in women include lower abdominal pain, itching, and burning in the intimate area.

Symptoms also include changes in the consistency and color of vaginal secretions, as the secretions become lumpy and take on a white-yellow color, and the secretions also have an unpleasant smell.

Professor Mendling pointed out that fungal infections in women are treated with antifungal medications.

Preventing fungal infections in women

To prevent fungal infections, Dr. Cornelia Huseman recommended wearing underpants that have good ventilation, for example pants made of cotton or silk, in order to prevent the creation of a moist and warm environment that helps the yeast fungi that cause fungal infections to multiply.

The German gynecologist added that care products for the intimate area with a neutral pH should also be used, taking into account that the products are free of aromatic substances.

In general, you should not exaggerate in caring for the intimate area, as this may harm the beneficial vaginal flora. 

Vaginal flora is the bacteria that naturally live inside the vagina.

The microbiome (bacteria that live in the intestinal tract) in the intestine also plays an important role in preventing fungal infections.

The microbiome can be strengthened through healthy nutrition, meaning an abundance of foods rich in dietary fiber, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts, while drinking plenty of fluids and reducing processed and fried foods, ready-to-eat

foods, sweets and fast food.

Source: German