Teller Report

The PP assures that Sánchez would not have been president without the help of the mask "plot" of which he is the "maximum leader"

2/24/2024, 6:12:01 PM

Highlights: PP assures that Sánchez would not have been president without the help of the mask "plot" of which he is the "maximum leader" In the PP they place Pedro SánChez as the "top leader" of the "criminal organization" responsible for the alleged collection of million-dollar commissions for masks. SánCHEZ denies the main cause of embezzlement in the legislature and supports the elimination of the sedition in elections after being "J-Jided"

In the PP they place Pedro Sánchez as the "top leader" of the "criminal organization" responsible for the alleged collection of million-dollar commissions for...

Marta Belver Madrid


Updated Saturday, February 24, 2024-18:23

  • 'Koldo Case' Sánchez warns that he will be "relentless" against corruption "no matter who falls"

  • Investigation Ábalos' payments to the Koldo plot "evidence a previous concert"

In the PP they place

Pedro Sánchez

as the "top leader" of the "criminal organization" responsible for the alleged collection of million-dollar commissions for the awarding of contracts for the purchase of masks in which

Koldo García Izaguirre


José Luis


right-hand man , is involved.


when he was minister.

"Without a doubt he would not have been general secretary of the PSOE first and president of the Government later without the help of this plot: the brains that made him win the primaries [of his party] are the ringleaders," said

Elías Bendodo

, deputy general secretary, this Saturday.

of Autonomous and Municipal Policy of the formation that leads the opposition in Congress.

As he explained at an event in Malaga, this "is not just another case", because, "while Spain was suffering a pandemic, the socialists were enriching themselves at the expense of the suffering of the Spanish people", in reference to the fact that the supposed acquisition of sanitary material in exchange for voluminous


that is being investigated occurred at the most critical moments of the Covid crisis at the beginning of 2020, and that they charged "more than 10 million euros through the back door."

To which he added: "He's going to have to give explanations even to the prompter."

"The first to give them has to be Sánchez. If he doesn't, the

Ábalos case

will become the

Sánchez case

, because he will have a lot to hide," Bendodo stressed.

Likewise, he has indicated that the "branches" of a network in which its alleged leaders are accused of influence peddling, bribery and money laundering reach the current Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres,


the president of Congress,

Francina Armegol

, who at that time headed, respectively, the governments of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, to the then head of the Health Ministry,

Salvador Illa

, and to the Ministry of the Interior for the acquisition of masks from the company that is being investigated.



leader has detailed that, "in every plot there are different actors" and that three participate in it, "not just any three socialists", but "the three who carried" the general secretary of the party to Ferraz's leadership: "The hitman who executes the orders of the bosses, in this case Koldo; the boss, Ábalos, because his ministry was the epicenter; the godfather,

Santos Cerdán

, the one who endorsed Koldo to join the PSOE; and the maximum leader who is informed of everything and makes all the decisions, Sánchez".

"The only thing that doesn't add up is that Sánchez, who has the most information in the country, didn't know anything. We've come this far, it's enough for him to take us for fools," Bendodo warned.

"We experienced this film in Andalusia sadly, there are many parallels with the ERE case:

[Manuel] Chaves


[José Antonio] Griñán

said that they had found out from the press and ended up being convicted by the Supreme Court. Sánchez must take note to not follow the path of these two socialist presidents," he added.

Furthermore, he has stated that with the arrest this week of Ábalos's trusted man "the missing piece to the puzzle has appeared" of his "disturbing departure in 2021", when he was unexpectedly dismissed as Minister of Transport.

It has also been reported that the response to the "surprise" that the Valencian politician - who for now has not been charged with anything - was once again on the lists for Congress in the last 23-J elections after being "asided" was This is due to the fact that the deputies "enjoy capacity", so they are not tried by the ordinary courts.

"That Sánchez denies the facts is no guarantee, denial is the beginning of confirmation. Sánchez denied the amnesty [for those involved in the


] and now supports it as the main cause of the legislature. He denied the elimination of sedition, the reduction in embezzlement, the pardons... and everything ended up being fulfilled," added the deputy general secretary of Autonomous and Municipal Policy of

Alberto Núñez Feijóo

's party .

In parallel, the PP has launched a parliamentary offensive to get the Government to respond to the new information that is being published about this corruption case, some that would directly implicate the former Minister of Transport.

The spokesperson in Congress,

Miguel Tellado

, has noted in his X account that "Sánchez talks about collaboration with Justice, but has not yet been able to explain why Ábalos was fired two years ago": "Was Sánchez aware of some irregularity and, in all this time, you did not bring it to the attention of Justice?"