Teller Report

Núria Peguera, female therapist: "Many women have become so disconnected from their uterus that they do not feel anything on an emotional or sexual level"

2/24/2024, 2:14:06 AM

Highlights: Núria Peguera is a female therapist specialized in menstrual therapy and ovarian breathing. She says that women live disconnected from their uterus, the essential organ that distinguishes our nature. The uterus is the organ of the gestation of life, of children, of intuition, of emotions, of projects, she says. "We need to balance the feminine and masculine parts and not let this imbalance drag us down," she says, adding that it can also lead to infertility. "In any case, we must surrender to the mystery of life and perhaps all of us can have physical children," she adds.

The life we ​​lead does not row in favor of "cyclicity" of women, according to this expert. This frenetic rhythm disconnects us from the body and has repercussions

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We don't have time for almost anything, much less for self-care.

We run out of the house, perhaps we have left (also running) a child at school and after the work day, the rush does not stop.

The last mandatory routines

of the day arrive

, with their schedules and imperatives.

In the midst of all this, which, mind you, happens at least five days a week, we will rarely have dedicated five minutes to ourselves.

This does not include the gym session, if there has been one, because it is generally a task that we do against the clock.

One more.

Núria Peguera

, a female therapist, specialized in menstrual therapy and ovarian breathing, maintains that this rhythm is not only unsustainable but is harmful to our physical, mental and hormonal health, since it does not contemplate or respect the 'cyclicality' of the female body.

She also maintains that women live disconnected from our uterus, the essential organ that distinguishes our nature.

To restore that lost connection, Peguera more than 10 years ago created

Danza Útera

, a project to accompany women in different stages of their lives that uses a combination of movements, dance and breathing as a tool.

"The woman's uterus is the organ of the gestation of life, of children, of intuition, of


, of emotions, of projects... it is the sacred vessel where the primal wisdom of woman lives. That's why it's essential to reconnect with him," he says.

Why does the system encourage that disconnection with our body that you talk about? Because it focuses on producing and doing.

To find equality in patriarchal society, women had to reject our feminine part and work twice as hard to prove that we were valid.

And to achieve this (be perfect mothers, beautiful, professionals, good lovers, etc.), we disconnect from our body.

If we paid attention to our rhythms, we know that sometimes we cannot be at 100% and that is harmful.

With the period, for example, we are in a cave moment, but we do not stop producing and being full of adrenaline.

We need to balance the feminine and masculine parts and not let this imbalance drag us down.

Our female body has needs that we have to attend to.

How would our lives improve if we were aware of feminine 'cyclicality'? From the moment a girl has her first period, we have the gift of going through different phases for a month.

It is as if we live the four seasons in our body.

If we are aware of this, we can use them and we will feel peace and harmony.

What effects does this disconnection have? From my experience, with 15 years accompanying women, I have verified that the nervous system is altered because it is always in 'survival mode'.

Always producing and not resting generates a lot of exhaustion and emotionally makes you vulnerable to depression and anxiety, so we take sleeping pills, to be more active... If you disconnect from the uterus, which is linked to the heart and the brain, you will not You know what your body needs at all times and in the end, the body screams.

It translates into disorders in the uterus such as painful menstruations and endometriosis and others of an emotional and sexual nature: there are women who do not feel anything.

I see some who arrive in a permanent state of high alert because we don't listen to each other.

You have to change patterns of rest, sleep, eating, and sometimes simply do nothing.


You say that it also affects infertility. The uterus is an energy container, everything happens within us.

If we are in favor of our 'cyclicality' and we take care of ourselves, we can unblock ourselves.

The dance and pelvic movements that I work on also contribute to this.

Fertility is found in ovulation, but not only thinking about physical children, but also about the creation of any project.

We should not reach that phase stressed and without energy.

We live outward and do not allow the uterus to be fertile territory.

And it contracts.

In any case, we must surrender to the mystery of life and perhaps not all of us can have physical children.

If everything is fine in your body, it will be.

But if not, we cannot understand everything.

Other paths of happiness can be opened and you can be a perfectly complete woman without children.

Society demands perfection from us: that we have the best orgasms, that we take care of the children, the grandparents... We are going to collapse.

What sexual problems do you see in the women you accompany? Disturbances in the uterus and problems with sexuality are the main concerns of the women who come to me.

Regarding sex, many have stopped feeling pleasure and pretend.

Others have a lack of desire.

They relate sex to others, but it is not others who have to give us pleasure, but us.

Many who stop feeling desire do not feel alive but rather like automatons and can fall into depression.

Others come because they feel pain during penetration and sometimes it is because of situations of abuse that they have experienced and are not aware of it.

For example, almost 100% of us women have said 'yes' when it was a 'no'.

And the body closes.

Do we also have to slow down in sex? Sure.

Sexuality begins is connected to our ability to create and begins in the heart, not in the genitals.

We have become accustomed to overstimulating the clitoris with devices that produce orgasms in two seconds.

I am in favor of toys but they sell us the imminent stimulus and when you are in a relationship you don't arrive and you get blocked.

You have to return to another sexuality, to listen to what your body needs, to breathing... This way, your body can open up again.

'I'll catch you here, I'll kill you here' is very good, but always?

Many women get blocked and since they don't feel anything, they pretend and that's it.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about menopause, what implications does it have on sexual relationships? At that age, there are women who have very long relationships, which is combined with insecurity about their body, which has changed.

The woman there is more fragile.

We have to have compassion for our processes and ask for help if we need it.

Many come to my sessions when they are 50 or older and tell me that they don't need sex.

If so, perfect, but sometimes it is nothing more than a renunciation of oneself.

And that should not happen.

At 50 a woman has to move her sexual energy, which is not only linked to relationships, but to creation, to cooking, to painting,

to have projects...How do you help to reconnect?

What does this therapy consist of? As a dance therapist I work with movement.

It is a great key that helps move stagnant energy.

In general our body is rigid and contracted and we have to relax it and make it strong.

In the sessions we make pelvis and hip movements, so that they flow and we can create an internal space.

I also work with conscious breathing, because our body usually lacks oxygen.

It is not about doing choreography with music, because they are not dance classes.

Women improve because they become aware of what their body needs, they free themselves and gain flexibility.

It makes your period hurt less, more libido, bruxism improves, sleep quality, etc.

We live in the age of advice canned in one-minute videos on Instagram.

How does your therapy fit in there? With the awareness that there are no excuses and that we have to take responsibility for our body.

It's not about giving me a pill and it will fix my problems, nor about doing something today and then forgetting about it.

It's about recovering spaces for us in our daily lives.