Teller Report

Iran: the conservatives' boulevard in the next elections to maintain their hold

2/24/2024, 3:52:11 AM

Highlights: Iran: the conservatives' boulevard in the next elections to maintain their hold. Some 61 million Iranians are called to the polls next Friday to elect the 290 deputies of the Iranian Parliament and the members of the Assembly of Experts. The reformist and moderate camp, whose candidates were largely rejected, is divided between those who decided to boycott the vote and those who decide to participate. Most figures in the reform andmoderate camp were rejected in advance by the Council of Guardians of the Constitution, a body controlled by conservative clerics.

Some 61 million Iranians are called to the polls next Friday to elect the 290 deputies of the Iranian Parliament and the members of the Assembly of Experts, a body made up of clerics. The camp…

Iran: the conservatives' boulevard in the next elections to maintain their hold

Some 61 million Iranians are called to the polls next Friday to elect the 290 deputies of the Iranian Parliament and the members of the Assembly of Experts, a body made up of clerics.

The reformist and moderate camp, whose candidates were largely rejected, is divided between those who decided to boycott the vote and those who decided to participate.

Iranian Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei voted on Friday February 26, 2016 in Tehran for the legislative elections and the Assembly of Experts, which will one day be responsible for choosing his successor.

REUTERS/ via Reuters

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With our correspondent in Tehran,

Siavosh Ghazi

Most figures in the reform and moderate camp were rejected in advance by the Council of Guardians of the Constitution, a body controlled by conservative clerics that is responsible for overseeing elections.

This was the case of

former President Hassan Rouhani

, candidate for the Assembly of Experts, which should play an important role in the coming years in choosing the successor to the current Supreme Guide, now 85 years old.

In Tehran, the list of 30 moderate and reforming candidates is made up of unknowns to the general public.

Despite this, reformist former president Mohammad Khatami called on voters to participate in the vote.

Around a hundred figures from the moderate camp did the same. 

On the other hand, reformers like Mostapha Tajzadeh, now in prison, have decided to boycott the elections.

The moderate electorate is largely demobilized.

Under these conditions, the conservatives should continue to control both Parliament and the Assembly of Experts and leave a reduced place for reformers and moderates in these two bodies.

Also read: Iran: 45 years after the Islamic Revolution, Iranians are losing faith in the state religion


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