Teller Report

Farmers' remuneration: the founder of the brand "Who's the boss?" calls for “writing an Egalim 4 law”

2/24/2024, 6:11:54 AM

Highlights: Farmers' remuneration: the founder of the brand "Who's the boss?" calls for “writing an Egalim 4 law”. This Saturday the 60th edition of the Salon de l'Agriculture opens, against a backdrop of agricultural crisis. Nicolas Chabanne, founder of “Who’s the boss?”, spoke about the success of this initiative. He also announced that the consumer brand plans to call on unions and producers to “write an EGalim 4Law that will work”

Created in 2016 by consumers, the brand "Who's the boss?" has established itself in supermarkets, and ensures producers a fair remuneration. As the Agricultural Show opens this Saturday, against the backdrop of an agricultural crisis, Nicolas Chabanne, founder of the brand, wants to participate in "writing an Egalim 4 law that will work".

Ophélie Artaud 7:00 a.m., February 24, 2024

Created in 2016 by consumers, the “Who’s the boss?”

has established itself in supermarkets, and ensures producers a fair remuneration.

As the Agricultural Show opens this Saturday, against the backdrop of an agricultural crisis, Nicolas Chabanne, founder of the brand, wants to participate in "writing an Egalim 4 law that will work".

This Saturday the 60th edition of the Salon de l'Agriculture opens, against a backdrop of agricultural crisis.

Farmers, who have been mobilized for several weeks, are demanding in particular better remuneration, but also compliance with the Egalim laws by manufacturers, to protect their income.

If this is not always applied, the “Who’s the boss?” brand, created in 2016 by consumers, is committed to paying producers a fair price.

Guest of Europe 1 Matin weekend, Nicolas Chabanne, founder of “Who’s the boss?”, spoke about the success of this initiative.

He also announced that the consumer brand plans to call on unions and producers to “write an Egalim 4 law that will work”.

Its objective is to "put on the table a law that works. Egalim has not worked for eight years. Let us remember that it is inspired by 'Who's the boss?'. The government team, at the time, we had asked all the questions to find out how it works, they just forgot the key element: that consumers are with the producers at the heart of the negotiations", underlines the founder.

“Consumers must be at all levels of negotiation”

For Nicolas Chabanne, "we must ask producers in France what their fair price is. It is only they who must set it. This price is very reasonable, because producers just want to make a living from their profession," he assures.


“Without it, I would no longer be a producer”: the “Who’s the boss?” initiative, a model for farmers to follow?

According to him, the solution for this to work is that "consumers are at all levels of negotiation. Distributors and big brands must no longer see themselves without the two essential links in the system: producers and consumers. Let's bring back this basic common sense and you will see that the producers will be happier. And we, consumers, will have the certainty that the people who feed us will still be there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow", insists Nicolas Chabanne.

Especially since consumers seem to approve of this initiative: the brand “Who’s the boss?”

exceeded the threshold of 500 million products sold.

According to figures from Nicolas Chabanne, the milk carton "Who's the boss?", already the most purchased in France, saw its sales increase by 21%, as did its eggs (+44%), and its yogurts. (+67%).