Teller Report

6 ways to protect your mental health from the harms of social media

2/24/2024, 11:42:22 AM

Highlights: More than a third of American adults believe that social media use is harmful to mental health. Studies have shown that its use is linked to jealousy, low self-esteem, and social phobia. Here are 6 tips that can help reduce the damage that may be caused to your mental health as a result of using social media sites. If you notice that a brief browsing of Facebook, for example, in the evening makes you feel bad, cancel Facebook after 10 p.m. Staying away from social networking sites for 5 days or a week leads to decreased stress and improved quality of life.

According to a new poll by the American Psychiatric Association, more than a third of American adults believe that social media use is harmful to mental health.

More than a third of American adults believe that using social media is harmful to mental health (Shutterstock)

According to a new poll by the American Psychiatric Association, more than a third of American adults believe that social media use is harmful to mental health.

Participants believe that the use of social networking sites is linked to social isolation and loneliness.

A report published by the Turkish website "Pencslar" says that there is also a close connection between the use of social networking sites and depression, as studies have shown that its use is linked to jealousy, low self-esteem, and social phobia.

Here are 6 tips that can help reduce the damage that may be caused to mental health as a result of using social media sites:

Set a time and place to use social media.

Social media use can interfere with your interactions with others.

If you turn off social media notifications or activate airplane mode on your phone at certain times each day, you will be able to communicate better with the people in your life.

It is also advised not to use social media while eating with family and friends, playing with children, or talking with a friend.

Be careful not to leave your phone or computer in your room, because it can negatively affect the quality of your sleep.

Try a digital detox

Studies have shown that staying away from social media for 5 days or a week leads to decreased stress and improved quality of life.

Using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat for just 10 minutes a day for 3 weeks helps reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.

This may be difficult at first, but you can get help from your friends and family when you start your digital detox.

Staying away from social networking sites for 5 days or a week leads to decreased stress (Shutterstock)

Pay attention to what you do and how you feel

Try using your favorite online platforms at different times of the day and at different intervals to understand how you feel during and after each session.

You may find that several short sessions help you feel better than browsing one website for 45 minutes.

If you notice that a brief browsing of Facebook, for example, in the evening makes you feel bad, cancel Facebook after 10 p.m.

People who use social media a lot and simply browse other people's posts feel worse than people who actively share their own posts and interact with others online.

Ask yourself "why?"

If the first thing you do in the morning is checking Twitter, consider whether you want to know the breaking news you have to deal with, or is checking Twitter just an unconscious habit that serves as a way to escape from the face of the day?

Do you feel the need to check Google Chrome when you face a difficult task at work?

Be honest with yourself.

Every time you pick up your phone (or computer) to check social media, answer this tough question: “Why am I doing this now?”

Reduce your following

Over time, your social media accounts will fill with many friends and online connections, as well as people and organizations you follow.

Some content may still be interesting to you, but most of it may be boring, annoying, or even worse.

Now is the time to stop following, mute, or cut back on people, and most won't even notice.

Therefore, your life will become better.

Stop the influence of social networking sites on real life.

There is nothing wrong with using Facebook to follow the lives of your relatives, as long as you do not neglect to visit them for long periods of time.

Tweeting with co-workers can be fun and engaging, but make sure these interactions don't replace face-to-face conversations.

Social media sites can be a positive contribution to your social life when used carefully and consciously.

However, basic human needs such as a sense of connection and belonging can only be met by someone sitting in front of you.

Source: Turkish press