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(Economic Observer) "Gift packages" have continued for half a year, and China's support for the private economy has frequently delivered dividends

2/24/2024, 2:11:59 PM

Highlights: "Gift packages" have continued for half a year, and China's support for the private economy has frequently delivered dividends. Official data shows that in 2023, China's new tax cuts, fee reductions and tax rebates and deferrals will reach 2.22899 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) Among them, private economic taxpayers received 1,686.46 billion yuan in newTax cuts, Fee reductions, Tax rebates, Deferrals throughout the year, accounting for 75.7%.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 24th: "Gift packages" have continued for half a year, and China's support for the private economy has frequently delivered dividends

  Author Yin Qianyun Xia Bin

  Starting from the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy", which is regarded by the outside world as the "programmatic document" of the private economy, from July last year to the present, in more than half a year, China has intensively issued relevant policies to promote the development of the private economy. , a batch of valuable "gift packages" have been implemented, with practical measures and practical results, which are constantly stimulating the vitality of private economic development.

Solving problems: responding to corporate demands

  Currently, some private enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, are facing the dilemma of difficult and expensive financing.

In response to this problem, eight departments including the Central Bank of China jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening Financial Support Measures to Support the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" last year, proposing 25 specific measures to support the private economy. Based on the demand characteristics of private enterprises, smooth credit, bonds , equity and other diversified financing channels to respond to the concerns of private enterprises.

  Judging from actual results, the China Monetary Policy Implementation Report for the Fourth Quarter of 2023 released by the Central Bank of China shows that in 2023, loans to private enterprises in China increased by 12.6% year-on-year, 1.6 percentage points higher than the end of the previous year.

  China's Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and other departments have reduced taxes and fees to increase efficiency to alleviate the difficulties of business entities, and the policy effects have been demonstrated.

Official data shows that in 2023, China's new tax cuts, fee reductions and tax rebates and deferrals will reach 2.22899 billion yuan (RMB, the same below).

Among them, private economic taxpayers received 1,686.46 billion yuan in new tax cuts, fee reductions, tax rebates and deferrals throughout the year, accounting for 75.7%, and are the main beneficiaries of the policy.

  In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission has established a regular communication mechanism with private enterprises, and has held multiple symposiums to listen to private enterprises’ real thoughts and help them solve practical difficulties.

The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated that it is necessary to insist on promptly understanding the problems that restrict the development of the private economy from individual cases and as a whole, and strive to solve a type of problem, benefit a group of enterprises, and help an industry.

Seeking development: stimulating market vitality

  Private investment is indispensable in helping enterprises grow and promoting economic development.

In the first half of last year, the growth rate and proportion of private investment in overall investment declined.

In order to promote private investment, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on further efforts to promote private investment and strive to mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment, proposing 17 specific measures to enhance the willingness and ability of private investment.

  The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission once again emphasized at a press conference in January this year that it is necessary to increase project promotion efforts and encourage and attract more private capital to participate in the construction of major national projects and projects that make up for shortcomings.

  In addition, in order to further stimulate the vitality of private investment, the "Guiding Opinions on Standardizing the Implementation of the New Mechanism for Cooperation between Government and Social Capital" was issued. Li Chao, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, said bluntly that the most prominent feature of the new mechanism is to encourage the participation of private enterprises to the greatest extent .

  In terms of promoting corporate innovation, this year the tax department will focus on supporting technological innovation and manufacturing development, implement structural tax reduction and fee reduction policies, support enterprises to increase investment in research and development, and guide various factor resources to be invested in the real economy.

  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also mentioned that it will speed up the introduction of "Several Measures to Promote the High-Quality Development of Specialized, Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and introduce a number of policies from the aspects of technological innovation, supporting industrial chains, and attracting and cultivating talents.

Excellent atmosphere: Create a good environment

  The quality of the business environment determines the confidence in the development of private enterprises.

In September last year, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued 22 measures to promote the development of the private economy, focusing first on "continuously optimizing the development environment of the private economy", including breaking down market access barriers, implementing fair competition policies and systems, and strengthening the prevention of abuse of administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition. antitrust enforcement and other aspects.

  Legal protection is also an important part.

Previously, China has repeatedly stated its stance on accelerating the legislative process of the Private Economy Promotion Law.

Recently, the Chinese Ministry of Justice, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Legal Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress jointly organized a symposium on the legislation of the Private Economy Promotion Law. It was clear that the drafting of the Private Economy Promotion Law has been started and the legislative process will be accelerated.

  Zhang Wenzhong, founder of Wumart Group, an entrepreneur attending the meeting, believed that the formulation of the Private Economy Promotion Law will play an important role in stabilizing the economy and ensuring growth.

  "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", companies have the most say on how the business environment is.

A survey conducted by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce among more than 140,000 private companies showed that the national business environment assessment score in 2023 increased slightly compared with the previous year, and more than 90% of the sample companies believed that China's business environment has improved in the past year.
