Teller Report

“For me, it’s communication”: a breeder recounts his interview with Emmanuel Macron

2/24/2024, 5:32:07 PM

Highlights: “For me, it’s communication”: a breeder recounts his interview with Emmanuel Macron. “I have heard these measures, I have not seen them written. When I see them written, I will tell you that there have been measures. I am suspicious,” he underlines. The floor price, a proposal that goes in the right direction, is good news, says Rémi Dumaure, a poultry breeder in Limeyrat in Dordogne.

During the eventful opening of the 60th Agricultural Show on Saturday, Rémi Dumaure, poultry breeder in Limeyrat in Dordogne and member of Rural Coordination, was able to discuss with Emmanuel Macron. Guest of Europe 1, he says he hopes to see the promises written in black and white.

Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP 6:22 p.m., February 24, 2024

During the eventful opening of the 60th Agricultural Show on Saturday, Rémi Dumaure, poultry breeder in Limeyrat in Dordogne and member of Rural Coordination, was able to speak with Emmanuel Macron.

Guest of Europe 1, he says he hopes to see the promises written in black and white.

Hissed and booed at the opening of the 60th edition of the Salon de l'Agriculture in Paris, Emmanuel Macron still wanted to meet the agricultural world.

The president was notably questioned by Rémi Dumaure, poultry breeder in Limeyrat in Dordogne and member of the Rural Coordination (CR 24).

The producer took part in the debate with the unions in the morning, and he discusses his interview with the Head of State and his announcements in the program 

Europe 1 Soir Week-end


>> Follow Emmanuel Macron's visit to the Salon de l'Agriculture here live

The floor price, a proposal that goes in the right direction

At Pierre de Vilno's microphone, Rémi Dumaure initially said he didn't think "much" about Emmanuel Macron's visit to the Porte de Versailles.

“We were still waiting for it because we have been mobilized for a month and a half. It’s the last cry from the heart,” he says, listing the demands of the profession.

Creation of a floor price, inventory of farms that require cash... The poultry breeder shared his opinion regarding the measures announced by the president this Saturday.

“I have heard these measures, I have not seen them written. When I see them written, I will tell you that there have been measures. I am suspicious,” he underlines.

For those who prioritize a more profitable pricing practice for producers, floor prices are good news, pending their implementation.

“I think it made him tick”: the breeder showed his bank accounts to the president

All this, the member of CR 24 was able to say directly to Emmanuel Macron since he crossed his path at the Salon de l'Agriculture.

“He is very familiar, he speaks informally easily,” he says, without seeing it as a form of contempt.

“It’s so that we are comfortable with him. He is very good at communication,” he agrees.

Maybe too much for his taste.

"For me, it's communication. He's the president, we must respect him, he's the authority of the country. But the president must respect us too, it doesn't just work one way."


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The Dordogne producer believes in any case to have been listened to by the Head of State.

“Emmanuel Macron, he listens to us, there is no problem, but then he does what he wants. As he told me this (Saturday) morning, it will take a long time to put everything in place, I understand it,” concedes Rémi Dumaure.

Who even explains having “shown (his) bank accounts” to the president to challenge him.

“I think that made him tick,” he says, this time not seeing it as a form of communication.

“I think it touched him, also when I spoke to him about agricultural suicides,” he adds, in reference to the suicide every two days of a farmer in France.

The breeder nevertheless assures him: the crisis in the profession “is not over”.

“We are mobilized,” supports Rémi Dumaure.