Teller Report

The scandal of American strategic goals

2/23/2024, 10:43:00 AM

Highlights: The policies of the U.S. and its allies towards the war in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have completely exposed its national strategic goals, writes Julian Zelizer. Zelizer: It sank into their blood to the point that it greatly harmed the slogans and plans of President Joe Biden's administration, which only has a few months remaining. He says Biden's claims about "the only way to restore the global position of the United States" were never based on a desire to contain conflicts and enhance stability.

The policies of the United States and its allies towards the war in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have completely exposed their national strategic goals, which now urgently need to control their practices with the scales of absolute justice.

US President Joe Biden (agencies)

The Russian war on Ukraine is about to complete its second year, and the Zionist war on the Gaza Strip is about to complete its fifth month, without either of them achieving any of their declared goals of the war, except for their disastrous consequences on civilians, superstructures and infrastructure, and on work and production in all areas of life.

Political, military, economic, industrial, scientific, educational, and social, paralyzing them almost completely, setting the clock back for many years.

The United States was not far from these two wars, and instead of fulfilling its role as a world leader at this historical stage;

It sank into their blood to the point that it greatly harmed the slogans and plans of President Joe Biden's administration, which only has a few months remaining.

It also harmed the strategic objectives of American national security in all its aspects;

Political, military, and economic.

The policies of the United States and its allies towards the war in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have completely exposed its national strategic goals, which now urgently need to control their practices with the scale of absolute justice, which does not accept double standards and does not distinguish between one person and another.

Understand the strategic goals of the Biden administration

Under the slogan: “Building America Back Better,” President Joe Biden ran his election campaign in 2020 to defeat his Republican opponent, Donald Trump, and lead the American administration as the 46th President of the United States for the period 2021-2025.

Based on this slogan, Biden set the strategic goals of American national security that he announced in March 2021.

In the following three titles:

  • Protecting the American people.

  • Expanding economic security and increasing opportunities.

  • Promoting democratic values ​​in the United States and abroad.

Explaining that achieving these strategic goals requires:

  • Defending America's core sources of power.

  • Deter and prevent adversaries of the United States and its allies.

  • Leadership of the global system.

  • Revitalizing alliances and partnerships around the world.


In his first speech on February 4, 2021 AD, Biden announced that his administration would begin working to achieve these strategic goals of American national security, through the following five paths:

  • Bringing America back to world leadership.

  • Confronting China and Russia, the first because it is the United States’ biggest competitor, and the second because it is trying to harm and corrupt American democracy.

  • Repair what President Trump has spoiled with the United States’ allies in the European Union and NATO, and begin rebuilding and supporting regional and international alliances.

  • Promoting democracy and human rights, and working to end regional conflicts, such as in Yemen, Libya, and Sudan (in the Middle East, for example).

  • Strengthening American diplomacy as the only way to restore the global position of the United States, manage its relations with competitors on the basis of common interests and avoid clashes.

  • Biden’s speech before the United Nations General Assembly in September 2021 heralded a prosperous world, full of stability, cooperation, coexistence and equality, and achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, but they remained merely seasonal words whose importance does not exceed the value of the paper on which they are written.

    What democracy is the American administration talking about when it supports authoritarian regimes as long as they meet their demands and take care of their interests? And what human rights is it talking about when it rejects a ceasefire in Gaza, whose number of civilian casualties in five months has reached five times the Ukrainian civilian casualties in two years?

    Manifestations of crooked politics

    The US administration’s practices regarding the two wars taking place in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip;

    The previous five paths were put to the test, to reveal the extent of the deception inherent in them, and the extent of the damage to them and to the strategic goals of American national security, which collapsed under destruction and fragments, not only because of the crooked policy followed by President Biden, but also followed by successive American administrations in general, and we review what The most prominent manifestations that illustrate this are:

    • Not a year had passed since these paths were determined, until Russian forces invaded the eastern provinces of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, after UN, American, and Western diplomacy quickly failed to contain the crisis and prevent war.

    In what could be interpreted as a deliberate failure;

    Because this diplomacy was never based on a desire to contain conflicts and enhance stability in the world, and it ignored the reasons that prompted Russia to move to wage war, demanding that it withdraw unconditionally, without offering it any guarantees that would push it away from the military option.

    This was a major scandal for the Biden administration's claims about its efforts to strengthen diplomacy, as "the only way to restore the global position of the United States, manage its relations with competitors on the basis of common interests and avoid clashes."

    The Russian war on Ukraine could have been defused before it began, and the blood of more than half a million soldiers who were killed or wounded could have been spared, including more than 300,000 Russians and more than 200,000 Ukrainians, in addition to more than 10,000 dead and 18,500 injured Ukrainian civilians, according to UN estimates. United.

    It was possible to defuse the war and stop planting about 175,000 mines in 30% of Ukrainian territory, which would take 757 years to be removed, according to United Nations estimates.

    The war could have been stopped, and about $350 billion spent and approved for the current year would have been saved, from the money of the American people and the European peoples, to pay the bill for the military, financial, and humanitarian war in Ukraine, an amount that exceeded the support provided by the United States in 1948 AD, after the end of World War II, according to The Marshall Plan for the reconstruction and operation of the European economy and European factories, which amounted to $13.3 billion at the time, equivalent to $173 billion in 2023 AD.

    It was possible to stop the war and save the $486 billion that Ukraine needs to recover and rebuild its economy over a period of 10 years, according to recent estimates by the World Bank, and save the cost of damages that amounted to $152 billion in the past two years, in addition to half a trillion dollars in the value of losses resulting from the disruption of the commercial economy and the costs. Related to the war, in addition to the reconstruction costs, of which urgent works in 2024 require about $15 billion, according to the World Bank.

    • The United States returned to leading the world, and the Biden administration repeatedly spoke about strengthening the rules-based global order, but it remained a sloganeering return that did not turn into a realistic reality except with countries allied or partnered with the United States.

    The wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip revealed that these rules are provisions and policies that strengthen the hegemony of the United States, achieve its interests and the interests of its allies, and use them in the way it sees fit to preserve the safety and stability of these interests.

    This has provided justifications that support countries demanding the rebuilding of the global order and its liberation from the hegemony of the United States and its allies, most notably China and Russia.

    • The Russian war in Ukraine and the Zionist war in the Gaza Strip exposed this world order that only works for the benefit of the United States and its allies.

    Therefore, we find that it supports Ukraine’s right to independence, freedom, and full sovereignty over its land, and calls on Russian President Vladimir Putin to withdraw from it unconditionally, imposes all kinds of sanctions on him, and provides the Ukrainian government (the victim) with all kinds of political, military, security, financial, and humanitarian support, to enable it to impose Defeat by Russia (the culprit), which Western countries must not allow to win.

    Quite the opposite;

    The American administration stands by the Zionist entity (the perpetrator) in its war on Gaza, and provides it with all kinds of political, military, financial, and humanitarian support, so that it can triumph over the Hamas movement and the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip (the victim), whose humanity the United States does not recognize, nor their right to resist the occupation. And restore their stolen rights guaranteed to them by international and humanitarian law.

    It is a criminal double standard that has blatantly revealed the nature of the world order that the United States and its allies talk about, which has become the ridicule of the vast majority of people, even within the United States and Western countries.

    By Ukraine and Gaza, this regime fell resoundingly, when the United States continued its position in support of Taiwan politically, militarily, and economically in the face of China, despite its recognition of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan.

    The Zionist war on the Gaza Strip further exposed the nakedness of this world order based on American rules.

    When the United States disrupted the work of the international institutions of this system - the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations, the International Red Cross, UNRWA and the World Health Organization - supporting the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and prevented the Security Council for the third time in a row from taking a resolution obligating the Zionist entity to cease fire. fire.

    • President Biden's administration has succeeded in rebuilding US alliances with Western countries, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, which were greatly damaged during Donald Trump's presidency.

    The Russian war on Ukraine quickly revealed that these alliances are not just a response to Trump, but rather to mobilize the countries of the world against Russia and China, and impose American regional and international political and economic plans and projects on the world, in order to achieve the three strategic goals set by President Biden’s administration for American national security, In a way that strengthens the hegemony of the United States and its uniqueness in world leadership.

    The Zionist war on the Gaza Strip came to confirm this, when the United States and its allies made a single attack in the face of the “victim” to defeat the “perpetrator,” just as they had previously made a single attack in the face of Russia (the perpetrator) to defeat the “victim,” represented by Ukraine.

    • The behavior of the American administration towards the Zionist genocidal war in the Gaza Strip was the best evidence of its conceptual defect regarding democracy and human rights, and its contradiction with its applied practices in many countries of the world.

    What democracy is the American administration talking about when it supports authoritarian regimes as long as they meet their demands and take care of their interests? And what human rights is the American administration talking about when it rejects a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, in which the number of civilian casualties has reached approximately five dead and wounded in five months? Many times the Ukrainian civilian casualties in two years at the hands of Russian forces, which rank second after the United States as the most powerful armies in the world, according to this year’s “Global Firepower” report?

    This vast gap in civilian casualties between the Gaza Strip and Ukraine is only because the United States and its allies stand by the Zionist entity and provide all types of support necessary to achieve its war goals.

    Note that the population of Ukraine immediately before the war was about 44 million people.

    The picture painted by the United States, by not containing the war in Ukraine and supporting the Zionist entity in Gaza;

    It completely exposed the national strategic goals of the United States, which has become in dire need of controlling its practices with absolute justice that does not accept double standards and does not distinguish between one person and another.

    The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeera.