Teller Report

The daily two-way passenger flow will reach 500,000. Asia’s largest underground comprehensive transportation hub will be put into operation in 2025.

2/23/2024, 3:02:07 PM

Highlights: The daily two-way passenger flow will reach 500,000. Asia’s largest underground comprehensive transportation hub will be put into operation in 2025. The project is a landmark project to promote the national strategy of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. It will integrate 2 intercity railways, 4 urban rail transits, 1 backbone railway, 1 suburban railway and 15 bus connection lines. It presents an overall pattern of "underground hub, above ground city, and high-level integration of top and bottom"

  China News Service, Beijing, February 23 (Reporter Zhang Ni) Just after the Spring Festival, the construction site of the Beijing Sub-Central Station Comprehensive Transportation Hub was busy.

  "In the future, the daily one-way passenger flow here will reach 1 million." At the construction site, Xu Wenwu, director of the Construction Management Department of Beijing Investment Hub Investment Company, excitedly told reporters from China News Service.

  The Beijing Sub-Central Station Comprehensive Transportation Hub (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub-Central Station Hub Project") is the first large-scale comprehensive transportation hub to be developed directly above the underground railway station.

A few days ago, reporters followed the interview team for the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development 10th anniversary online theme promotion event" jointly organized by the Cyberspace Administration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to conduct on-site interviews.

  Photo by Zhang Ni at the construction site of the sub-central station hub project

  The reporter learned that this project is a landmark project to promote the national strategy of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, implement the "Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035)" and relieve Beijing's non-capital functions. The integrated implementation scope is about 61 hectares, underground The construction scale is about 1.28 million square meters, and the above-ground planned construction scale is about 1.39 million square meters. It presents an overall pattern of "underground hub, above ground city, and high-level integration of top and bottom".

  As the transportation center of the city's sub-center, the project will integrate 2 intercity railways, 4 urban rail transits, 1 backbone railway, 1 suburban railway and 15 bus connection lines, becoming the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on Track" An important pivot; it will also form a "station-city integration" urban complex built with the TOD concept covering offices, commerce, apartments, hotels and other business types, build a characteristic business office group and a city-level dynamic business circle, and become the city's sub-center vitality center .

  According to the plan, the sub-central station hub project started on November 30, 2019, and the main project will be basically completed by the end of December 2024. It will be put into use with the opening of the Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Station in 2025. After completion, it will be Asia's largest underground Integrated transportation hub.

  The sub-central station hub project under construction (photo provided by Beijing Investment Hub Company)

  “Many people in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region live a ‘twin-city life’. In the future, passengers coming from Tangshan, Tianjin and other places will get off the high-speed rail directly after arriving at the hub, and those who work in office buildings above the hub can even go to the office directly without leaving the hub. , no need for wind and sun, and the ground and underground are directly linked." Xu Wenwu told reporters that when designing the plan of "getting out of the subway and onto the office building", the designers went to many cities at home and abroad and learned from many advanced concepts.

  He also said that after the integrated transportation hub is put into use in the future, the daily one-way passenger flow is expected to reach 1 million and the two-way passenger flow will reach 500,000.

How to carry such a huge passenger flow was also considered during the design of the project.

  “Passengers can take subways, buses, online ride-hailing, private cars and other means of transportation. The entire hub was designed taking into account the design of bus and long-distance bus stations, as well as the drop-off issues for online ride-hailing and private cars, and also reserved sufficient space. of above-ground and underground parking spaces.”

  The reporter learned that as of the end of December 2023, the earthwork of the main project of the sub-central station hub project has been completed to 90% and the structure has been completed to 85%; the east throat railway tunnel structure in the core area of ​​the railway station, the main structure of the west district station building and the rail transit M101 line station , the hub transfer channel, the above-ground secondary development buildings and other areas have been capped, the refined decoration model section of the hub is presented, the construction of the "Jingfan" roof steel structure is progressing steadily, the installation of the main engineering equipment has gradually begun to be fully rolled out, and every effort is being made to build the track It is a model model of comprehensive transportation hub for TOD station-city integration in the new era of "four network integration" and "seven-line intersection".
