Teller Report

Sora is a hit all over the internet, is the film and television industry trembling?

2/23/2024, 4:21:51 PM

Highlights: Sora is a hit all over the internet, is the film and television industry trembling?. In the future, human prompts will be used to control the AI ​​video model, and work such as camera movement and image generation will be completed according to one's own ideas. Hou Mao pointed out that it used to be very expensive to produce a movie or TV series in terms of special effects, especially some effects that needed to be modeled completely from scratch. Now with Sora, it may be possible to generate images of the same quality in just one sentence.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 24 (Reporter Wang Shiyao) One year ago, when ChatGPT set off a huge wave in the AI ​​​​circle, many people did not expect that the next wave would come so quickly.

During the Spring Festival of 2024, OpenAI stunned the world with a 60-second video.

This short video of a fashionable woman walking on the streets of Tokyo was generated by Vincent video model Sora.

  Sora became popular all over the Internet, and the Internet was filled with various voices for a while. Some people saw opportunities, some saw worries, and some saw fears... Facing the film and television industry that was the first to be affected, are practitioners really as successful as they imagined? trembling?

  The video shows a fashionable woman walking on the streets of Tokyo.

Picture from OpenAI website

How does Sora impact the film and television industry?

  In recent times, Sora has continued to become a hot topic on the Internet. Several short videos with vivid and beautiful pictures have shocked the entire film and television industry and still have lingering warmth.

  Hou Mao (pseudonym), founder of Moss AI, introduced to reporters from China News Service that Sora has three major highlights: first, 60-second long videos, Sora can maintain a high degree of fluency and stability of the video subject and background; second, single video Multi-angle lenses, Sora realizes multi-angle lenses in one video, and the split shot switching is logical and very smooth; the third is the ability to understand the real world, Sora handles details such as light and shadow reflection, movement patterns, lens movement, etc. very well, which greatly contributes to Improved realism.

  "Since OpenAI released ChatGPT a year ago, various breakthrough artificial intelligences have continued to emerge in the fields of text, pictures, sounds and videos, exceeding the rate of technological progress described by Moore's Law."

  As an AI video model, the emergence of Sora is bound to have an impact that cannot be ignored in today's film and television industry.

  Hou Mao believes that the animation industry should be the first to be affected.

"The characters and scenes in animation are more virtual, and the requirements for real-time and precision are not high." In addition, Sora will have little impact on realistic movies and TV series in the short term, because such works focus on character performances and surprises in real scenes. Degree requirements are very high.

  In his view, Sora's impact on equipment manufacturers and leasing companies will be devastating.

"For example, cameras, expensive mobile equipment, and lighting equipment that once needed to be purchased at high prices will most likely no longer be needed. In the future, human prompts will be used to control the AI ​​video model, and work such as camera movement and image generation will be completed according to one's own ideas. .”

  The same thing happens with special effects companies.

Hou Mao pointed out that it used to be very expensive to produce a movie or TV series in terms of special effects, especially some effects that needed to be modeled completely from scratch.

Now with Sora, it may be possible to generate images of the same quality in just one sentence, which will have a huge impact on special effects companies.

  Of course, there is also a bright side, which will be a major benefit for professional jobs in the film and television industry such as directors, screenwriters, and photographers.

"In the past, traditional film and television production methods required the cooperation of a team from idea to finished film. In the future, with the help of AI tools, as long as there is a creative person, one person can complete the production of the finished film."

"Fear is instinct, not the end"

  On February 16, cinematographer Duan Jichen came across the news that OpenAI released Vincent video model Sora on the WeChat public account.

In an interview with a reporter from China News Service, he said that when he saw the Sora video, he did not realize it was an AI video at the first time.

When I came back to my senses, there was only one word "cow" in my mind.

  After his excitement gradually subsided, he forwarded the article to his circle of friends and wrote four words - he was going to lose his job.

  When OpenAI launched ChatGPT a year ago, my mother asked Duan Jichen: "Do you think the profession of photographer will disappear in the future?" His answer at the time was "impossible". Unexpectedly, this answer has changed in just the past year. .

  Despite this, Duan Jichen has no plans to change careers.

In his opinion, it will take some time before Sora evolves to threaten human jobs.

In addition, Sora can only think according to the inherent thinking inertia at present, and it is still difficult to complete more creative and creative works.

  On the same day, photographer Dashuo also watched the video produced by Sora for the first time.

"Because we are doing this, when we see it, we will definitely be more shocked than ordinary people."

  In Dashuo's view, what is more impactful than the exquisite images presented by AI is the substantial improvement in efficiency.

“The first thing I thought of was that those particularly difficult things in actual work can be easily solved using it in the future.”

  Last year, Hollywood ushered in the first joint strike by screenwriters and actors in history. One of the focal points of the conflict was the scope of application of artificial intelligence.

  In recent days, Dashuo has also had a lot of exchanges with colleagues. Surprisingly, no one has a negative attitude towards Sora.

"Everyone knows that this is the future, and it has already arrived. What everyone talks about is that they feel that their understanding is still too slow."

  When the entire film and television industry faces technological innovation, "fear is human instinct, but it is not the end point."

Dashuo believes that if he can catch up with the trend, he must boldly try new things, and he will always be open to new things.

  Regarding “Will photographers eventually be replaced by AI?”

Dashuo pointed out that it is not the photographers who will be replaced, but the images will be replaced by AI algorithms.

"Some pictures that do not require emotion, or pictures that require AI to generate, will no longer require photographers to take them."

  "Humans will not be replaced by efficient machines. When the use of AI can significantly reduce the cost of shooting a film, investors will invest in the next film faster. I have another I can get a salary, and there’s one more TV series or movie for the audience to watch, so I can achieve multiple things with one stone.”

  Data map: Designers use patterns and ideas input through artificial intelligence to inspire fashion creation.

Photo by Li Zhihua

Can’t the “feel” of art be imitated by AI?

  During the interview, the two photographers unanimously mentioned a point of view: AI can assist human work and even replace some low-quality work content, but when it comes to emotional work that requires deep communication and understanding, AI can only do Imitate but cannot surpass the leaders in their field.

  Last year, a reporter asked director Feng Xiaogang this question in an interview: "Will the development of artificial intelligence impact the film and television industry?"

  At that time, Feng Xiaogang was doing preparatory work for the movie "If You Are the One 3", a movie focusing on artificial intelligence.

  Facing reporters’ questions, Feng Xiaogang’s answer at the time was that figures in the art field need to have human emotional thinking, so he believes that AI cannot completely replace humans.

"For example, for a script, it can be a medium-level script, but it may not be enough to make it a particularly unique script. Of course, maybe one day it will be."

  In another interview, the reporter also asked actor Chen Ruoxuan the same question.

Chen Ruoxuan, who has been a "science fiction fan" since he was a child, has always paid close attention to the development of artificial intelligence.

He said that although artificial intelligence has entered many fields, actors will not be replaced by AI in the future.

  "Although artificial intelligence is man-made, I have read a lot of information and found that machines can be more perfect than humans, and the difference between humans and machines lies in their imperfections. So I think no matter how perfect a machine is, it is still a robot. People with shortcomings are alive." Chen Ruoxuan said.
