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Israel-Hamas war: Benyamin Netanyahu presents his plan for the future of Gaza

2/23/2024, 4:01:50 PM

Highlights: Israel-Hamas war: Benyamin Netanyahu presents his plan for the future of Gaza. Many countries are trying to chart the long-term future of the Gaza Strip and relations between Israelis and Palestinians. After four and a half months of war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially informed his government of his own plan. A vision displayed far removed from that of its international partners. The plan envisages Israeli security control “over the entire area west of Jordan  ” from land, sea and air.

Many countries are trying to chart the long-term future of the Gaza Strip and relations between Israelis and Palestinians. After four and a half months of war, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin…

Israel-Hamas war: Benyamin Netanyahu presents his plan for the future of Gaza

Many countries are trying to chart the long-term future of the Gaza Strip and relations between Israelis and Palestinians.

After four and a half months of war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially informed his government of his own plan for the future of the enclave on Thursday February 22.

A vision displayed far removed from that of its international partners.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the weekly cabinet meeting at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, Israel, January 7, 2024. (Illustrative image).

© RONEN ZVULUN / Reuters

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Benyamin Netanyahu

's public vision

for post-war Gaza takes up one page.

The Israeli Prime Minister affirms

that Israel

will continue its military operations in the Palestinian enclave until its objectives are achieved: namely, the destruction of the military and political capabilities of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as well as the release of all hostages, report our special correspondents in Jerusalem,

Guilhem Delteil and Nicolas Benita


Also, to prevent Palestinian groups from once again acquiring

the capacity to attack Israel

, the Prime Minister wishes to maintain freedom of intervention for his army in the Palestinian enclave, and regain control of the border between the Egypt and Gaza. 

The plan also envisages

Israeli security control

“over the entire area west of Jordan

 ” from land, sea and air. 

For Benyamin Netanyahu, the Gaza Strip after the war must be demilitarized, “ 


” and governed by “ 

local officials

 ” who have “ 

administrative experience 

” and who are not linked “ 

to countries or entities that support terrorism


The head of the Israeli government

also wants to dismantle UNRWA

, the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, and replace it, he says, with “ 

responsible international organizations


For his part, the reconstruction of the enclave should, according to him, be financed by “countries

 acceptable to Israel


It also plans to establish “ 

a security buffer zone on the Palestinian side of the Gaza Strip border


A provision which goes against the recommendations of the American administration, which opposes any reduction in Palestinian territory after the war.

A vision contrary to that of its partners

Indeed, the vision held by Benyamin Netanyahu clashes in many points with those of the countries which would play a role in the post-war period.

The Prime Minister does not mention the return of the Palestinian Authority to the enclave, no peace process.

Rather, he reaffirms his opposition to the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, which was nevertheless

demands of its Western partners

, and even pre-conditions stated several times for the Arab countries of the Gulf.

Because at the same time,

international efforts continue

to try to obtain a new truce between Hamas and Israel.

The leader of the Palestinian Islamist movement was in Cairo in recent days to speak with the Egyptian mediator while Israel sent a delegation to Paris for a high-level meeting scheduled for this weekend.


A reoccupation of the Gaza Strip


Netanyahu's plan has already been rejected by the Palestinian Authority.

In a press release published this Friday, February 23, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirms that, for it, this project actually means " 

a reoccupation of the Gaza Strip

 " and aims " 

to block American and international efforts with a view to the creation of a Palestinian state


Only a plan recognizing Gaza as an integral part

 of "an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital will be acceptable."

Any project to the contrary is doomed to failure.

Israel will not succeed in changing the geographic and demographic reality of the Gaza Strip 

,” said the spokesperson for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Nabil Abou Rudeinah, in a statement.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates//Netanyahu's principles mean reoccupying the Gaza strip and obstructing American and international efforts to establish the Palestinian State.

Netanyahu's plan serves his interest in prolonging the war to stay in power.…

— State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸 (@pmofa) February 23, 2024


And with


Read alsoIn Gaza, “we live like in a film about the end of the world”, testifies this resident


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