Teller Report

In the Balkans too, farmers' anger is growing

2/23/2024, 6:11:52 PM

Highlights: In the Balkans too, farmers' anger is growing. In Greece, 250 tractors converged on Athens to blockade the capital. Farmers' discontent can also be heard in Croatia. North Macedonia has long been a major agricultural land. But global warming is putting the sector to death. While coal still remains by far the main source of electricity, solar and wind power are on the rise. Can the ambitious objectives of the 2022-2031 energy strategy be met? On February 7, a drunken police officer killed the manager of a cafe in Tuzla with his weapon.

In the Balkans too, farmers' anger is growing

In Greece, Greek farmers arrive by tractor to rally outside Parliament in a protest against falling incomes, rising costs and what they see as increasingly onerous environmental rules in Athens on February 20 2024. © ARIS MESSINIS / AFP

By: Jean-Arnault Dérens Follow |

Balkan Mail Follow


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A press review presented in partnership with Le Courrier des Balkans

The mobilization of farmers is not weakening in Greece


On Tuesday, 250 tractors converged on Athens to blockade the capital.

Hard hit by the fires and floods of 2023, farmers are calling in particular for the elimination of taxes on fuel.

Farmers' discontent can also be heard in Croatia


After the demonstrations in December caused by pig slaughters deemed abusive, farmers from Međimurje and Slavonia demonstrated this week with their tractors.

They too denounce increasingly harsh working conditions.

North Macedonia has long been a major agricultural land


But global warming is putting the sector to death and public aid is not enough to maintain production, while cultivated areas continue to decline.

How to get things back on track?

Resumption of anti-Roma racism

A few days ago, a police raid on a Roma camp in Belgrade turned into a pogrom. 

Violence and racism against the minority are increasing

, to the indifference of the authorities and almost the entire political class.

In Montenegro, the coastal town of Bar is in mourning


A fire ravaged a Roma slum on Thursday morning, killing four people.

The Roma Council of Montenegro denounces the unworthy conditions in which too many people still live.

In Bulgaria too, nothing is getting better for the Roma

who remain, along with the LGBT community, the main target of hate messages on social networks.

Even politicians are guilty of racism towards the country's largest minority.

The Balkans, China and Russia

In Serbia, residents of the town of Krivelj have joined resistance

against the Chinese group Zijin Mining, which has been operating the Bor copper mines since 2018.

They demand the relocation of their village, which has become unlivable due to massive pollution.

Throughout the Balkans,

China is engaged in vast infrastructure projects

, particularly in the energy field, and without any concern either for the environment or for the living conditions of local populations.

Belgrade is said to host more than 200,000 Russian exiles


The death of Alexei Navalny sparked a powerful wave of sadness and anger within the community.

Especially since the Serbian authorities are refusing residence visas to more and more declared opponents of Vladimir Putin's regime.

As Ukraine enters its third year of war,

the Balkans

remain a “zone of influence”, where

Russians and Westerners

are testing their balance of power.

While the region has long been dependent on coal,

Kosovo is beginning its green transition



While coal still remains by far the main source of electricity, solar and wind power are on the rise.

Can the ambitious objectives of the 2022-2031 energy strategy be met?

On February 7, a drunken police officer killed the manager of a cafe in Tuzla with his weapon.

Shocked by this feminicide

, thousands of people have already demonstrated twice to denounce the failings of the authorities and the dysfunctions of the police.

This same week, other feminicides caused sadness,

anger and mobilizations in North Macedonia and Serbia


Montenegro must understand the urgency of true

integration of people with disabilities


That these citizens can contribute a lot to society, that they have the right to employment and to parenthood.

This is the tireless fight of Marijeta Mojašević.


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