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Benjamin Netanyahu unveils his own plan for post-war Gaza

2/23/2024, 11:22:50 AM

Highlights: Benjamin Netanyahu unveils his own plan for post-war Gaza. The Israeli Prime Minister has made proposals for the status of the Gaza Strip after the war against Hamas. In a document submitted to the Israeli security cabinet on Thursday, Benjamin Netanyahu… The plan provides for the “complete demilitarization” of Gaza beyond what is necessary for the purposes of maintaining order. It also envisages Israeli security control "over the entire area west of Jordan" from land, sea and air.

The Israeli Prime Minister has made proposals for the status of the Gaza Strip after the war against Hamas. In a document submitted to the Israeli security cabinet on Thursday, Benjamin Netanyahu…

The document was distributed on Thursday February 22 to members of the security cabinet in order to open the debate on the subject.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed a post-war plan for the Gaza Strip that would see local Palestinian officials manage the territory, Israeli media reported Friday.

The several-point proposal, which Benjamin Netanyahu submitted Thursday evening to the government security cabinet, recalls in the preamble the objectives of the army in Gaza: dismantling Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and release of all hostages still held. 

Gaza's civil affairs will be handled by "local officials with administrative experience" and who are "not linked to countries or entities that support terrorism," The Times of Israel reported, citing key elements of the plan. .

The project does not mention the Palestinian Authority, in power in the occupied West Bank, but does not explicitly exclude its participation in the management of Gaza.

Read alsoIsraeli Defense Minister unveils his post-war plan in Gaza

The “complete demilitarization” of Gaza

Even after the war ends, the Israeli army will have the freedom to operate throughout the Gaza Strip to "prevent any resurgence of terrorist activity." 

"The plan stipulates that Israel will move forward with its already ongoing plan to establish a security buffer zone on the Palestinian side of the Gaza Strip border," the report said, adding that the zone will remain in place “as long as there is a need for security”. 

This provision is in contradiction with the vision of the American administration which is opposed to a reduction of Palestinian territory after the war.

The text also envisages Israeli security control "over the entire area west of Jordan" from land, sea and air "to prevent the strengthening of terrorist elements in the (occupied West Bank) and the Gaza Strip and to counter threats (...) to Israel. 

It provides for the "complete demilitarization of Gaza [...] beyond what is necessary for the purposes of maintaining order", as well as "deradicalization in all religious, educational and social institutions in Gaza".

The plan also provides for the dismantling of the United Nations agency for the support of Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), several employees of which were accused by Israel of having participated in the Hamas attack of October 7.

Concerning the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, the plan provides for a "closure" of the border with Egypt to prevent the resumption of any terrorist or smuggling activity.

With AFP and Reuters

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