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Analysts: Netanyahu put the cart before the horse and wants a deal on his terms

2/23/2024, 7:52:19 PM

Highlights: Analysts: Netanyahu put the cart before the horse and wants a deal on his terms. Political analysts doubt the possibility of achieving any breakthrough. Netanyahu is betting on a decline in the position of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) regarding the talks to reach an exchange and truce deal in Gaza, compared to the conditions it previously set in Cairo. Netanyahu believes that the starvation policy he is practicing against the Palestinians in Gaza and his threat of a military attack on Rafah have prompted Hamas to review its position. It is noteworthy that the previous round of Paris negotiations ended without achieving progress amid disagreements between Netanyahu and security leaders.

Attention is once again turning to the French capital, Paris, where talks begin to discuss reaching an exchange and calm deal in the Gaza Strip. Political analysts doubt the possibility of achieving any breakthrough.

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Attention is once again turning to the French capital, Paris, where talks begin to discuss reaching an exchange and calm deal in the Gaza Strip. Political analysts doubt the possibility of achieving any breakthrough due to the intransigence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the opinion of the academic and expert in Israeli affairs, Dr. Muhannad Mustafa, Netanyahu sent a delegation to Paris led by the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (Mossad) David Barnea, and the head of the General Security Service (Shin Bet) Ronen Bar, under pressure from the American administration and pressure from within Israel, especially the families of those detained by the Palestinian resistance. in Gaza.

Netanyahu is betting - adds the academic and expert - on a decline in the position of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) regarding the talks to reach an exchange and truce deal in Gaza, compared to the conditions it previously set in Cairo.

Netanyahu believes that the starvation policy he is practicing against the Palestinians in Gaza and his threat of a military attack on Rafah (south of the Gaza Strip) have prompted Hamas to review its position.

The leader of the movement, Osama Hamdan, said in a press conference today, “We dealt in a positive spirit with the mediators’ proposals on the basis of stopping the aggression against Gaza and lifting the siege, while Netanyahu is stalling and evasive and aims to disrupt reaching an agreement.”

The academic and expert said that Netanyahu wants a deal and wants a truce in Gaza, but on his own conditions, the most important of which is that “in the first phase of the truce, no Israeli or international commitment to a ceasefire is made, so that Israel continues its military operations in Gaza, and that no one is released.” Palestinian prisoners.

What confirms the intentions of the Israeli Prime Minister is that, at the time when he sent a delegation to Paris and granted him powers, he is developing a political plan for the post-war on the Gaza Strip that is completely inconsistent with the minimum Palestinian national demands, as the academic and expert, who did not rule out, confirms in his interview with the “Gaza” program. ..What next?” - That Netanyahu is working to thwart the talks in Paris regarding reaching an exchange and calm deal in the Gaza Strip.

For his part, Dr. Hassan Ayoub, professor of political science at An-Najah National University, believes that Netanyahu anticipated the new round of discussions by two steps. The first was the decision taken in the government and voted on in the Knesset, regarding a categorical rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River.

The second step relates to the document that Netanyahu announced and outlined his visions for the aftermath of the war on Gaza, the main clause of which is the continuation of the aggression on the Gaza Strip and the insistence on remaining militarily and security-wise in the Strip and not ending the siege.

Ayoub concluded that Netanyahu sent his delegation in response to American pressure, but he “put the cart before the horse” and set his preconditions, which means that there is no real chance for a breakthrough. He said, “Just as Netanyahu torpedoed the decision of the International Court of Justice related to Gaza, he will continue his intransigence with the support of the American administration.” To get a deal that he can market to his far-right government.”

It is noteworthy that the previous round of Paris negotiations ended without achieving progress amid disagreements between Netanyahu and security leaders regarding negotiating powers.

This time, Israeli media said that the Israeli delegation, led by the Director of Intelligence, has broad powers in managing the negotiating process.

Source: Al Jazeera